In Memory of Kyle...

My name is Jane Brown and Kyle was a student of mine two years after arriving in Ellensburg. I have a few brief comments I would like to share, and many fond memories beyond these. I believe we are not here to ask the question, "Why?" in a negative context, but to look at what Kyle shared with each of us and to ask WHY we were so fortunate to have crossed paths.

Kyle was not an automatic acceptor of ideas, but one who gave consideration of all. As a very young person one realized that what he valued, he valued highly. I knew the wheels were always turning in his head and it was my job to help him see that there were many ways to get things done, ways to choose, but not to negate important skills. He and I shared wonderful fifth-grade- camp experiences.

When Kyle and I last spoke this spring he was on the CWU campus. We ran into each other and took time for a few minutes to catch up with each other. When we parted, his wonderful smile and sparkling eyes reminded me that this young man had lots of spirit inside, the memory of which I shall truly treasure.

On this day we hold still and wait for the softness of life to return; particularly for this family, his fiancée and those closest to him. You are forever changed and must go on with your lives in a positive way. Doing things - looking outward, will give the strength to cope. Kyle's smile can be carried with us as we do good deeds for others; the gaping hole will get smaller as it is filled with the love each of us gives to our fellow human beings. Learn to love and remember him gone; it's like learning to love him all over again in a new way.

