POLAR Heart Rate Monitor Workshop

Monday, February 28, 2000

8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

Moorsbridge Elementary School

7361 Moorsbridge Rd.

Portage, MI 49024

Come and learn the latest about this technology for Physical Education

Workshop Fee-$20 includes lunch

Featuring* Beth Kirkpatrick, former NASPE Teacher of the Year and nationally recognized advocate for improving physical education programs to prepare children to lead healthy lifestyles.

Workshop Format: A keynote address along with comments by Beth regarding the current state of physical education and ways to improve your program will take place during the morning session. Breakout sessions such as using the Accurex IIa and Vantage XL models, computer application and downloading, and ideas to secure funding will take place during the afternoon.

Using Heart rate Monitors provides:

( Accountability for teachers and students

( Creative, motivating lessons with opportunities for integration into math, science and language arts

( Accurate documentation of student performance and fitness levels

To register, please fill out and mail/fax the enclosed registration form.

POLAR Heart Rate Monitor Workshop

If you have any questions please contact John Dunlop, PE Department Chairperson, Portage Public Schools. Work phone 616 323-6332

or email mailto:jdunlop@portageps.org

Mail application to: or Fax to:

John W. Dunlop (616) 323-6390

Lake Center Elementary

10011 Portage Rd.

Portage, MI 49002


Name________________________ School__________________________

Grade/Level____________ Number of Students Impacted______________


School Address________________________________________________

City____________________________ State/Zip Code_________________

Work Phone_____________________ Email____________________

Lunch Preference Ham Turkey Roast Beef Vegetarian

Please make checks payable to Portage Public Schools Fee $20

For questions or comments about this article, contact John Dunlop

(Information provided courtesy of http://www.pelinks4u.org)