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Dana Gradman (Dana728)
New member Username: Dana728
Post Number: 1 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Tuesday, January 30, 2007 - 9:28 pm: |      |
What is a good way to pick/assign teams without someone having to be picked last, and having the teams equal in different skill levels? |
dario garza (D14)
Junior Member Username: D14
Post Number: 3 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, January 31, 2007 - 7:23 pm: |      |
I like to use playing cards to select teams. I pass them out and those with the same suit belong to the same team.
Sara Wolowicz (Sbw0592)
Junior Member Username: Sbw0592
Post Number: 2 Registered: 1-2007
| Posted on Thursday, February 22, 2007 - 3:04 pm: |      |
Depending on how many teams you want or need you could do this a few different ways. One, you could line up and count off. Secondly, in one of my classes we did this, use index cards, write numbers on the back of how many teams you want or need and let the students draw a card out of a hat or something to that extent. The second way helps prevent students from getting in an order to be picked with a friend. I thought it was a great way! |
Sara Polensky (Spolensky)
Junior Member Username: Spolensky
Post Number: 4 Registered: 2-2007
| Posted on Wednesday, February 28, 2007 - 12:23 pm: |      |
Something that I saw if you want to give studetns a leadership role in having captains. Let them pick teams but stop it when it gets down to like 6 or 8 kids and then you place them on different teams. This way no one is last. |
Edward Meli (Meliville023)
New member Username: Meliville023
Post Number: 1 Registered: 2-2008
| Posted on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 - 8:18 am: |      |
I think the best way to pick the teams is for you to pick them yourself. I say this because that way you don't worry about kids getting picked last, and you know the kids talent levels ,and you can go from there and make the teams even. |
Kristen Buttenfield (Kbal516)
Junior Member Username: Kbal516
Post Number: 3 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 - 2:11 pm: |      |
I always choose the teams for my students. I just want to ensure that that teams are equal and I don't want anyone to have a negative experience before the game even starts. It does take some time and I switch them between every sport, but it's worth it to me. |
Susan Pilarski (Smp41)
Junior Member Username: Smp41
Post Number: 6 Registered: 8-2008
| Posted on Saturday, October 25, 2008 - 12:11 pm: |      |
During our cooperative unit, the boys' PE teacher (I teach all girls) had a great idea. Since we were teaching sportsmanship and fair play, etc., why not have the students choose teams and discuss whether or not they were fair. Like most things, ideas need to be taught even if it might be a "touchy" subject. So, he tried it and when we discussed at the end of the day, he said it was one of the best lessons he's ever taught. He let the students choose teams and then discussed with them. 9 times out of 10, the students agreed they hadn't chosen fair teams. So, they talked about why its necessary to choose fair teams and how you choose them without hurting individual's feelings. Overall, it was a success and I think its a great "life" lesson that can be taught in the PE classroom. |
Chris LaRocca (Cll8828)
New member Username: Cll8828
Post Number: 1 Registered: 2-2009
| Posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 - 1:13 pm: |      |
Depending on your class size and area you are teaching I have learned of a few differents ways to establish teams. You could prepare the night before and place groups of different colored items in a bag. If you have 20 students put 4 groups of 5 different color popsicle sticks, pieces of paper, etc. Then have the students select when walking out of the locker rooms or into the gymnasium. Ex. I attend a small college where students put names of local land marks and restaraunts near by. One peer even used President Obama's daughters. |
kayla ferguson (Kaylaferg)
Junior Member Username: Kaylaferg
Post Number: 2 Registered: 3-2011
| Posted on Thursday, March 17, 2011 - 4:38 pm: |      |
usually in high school we would always count off by however many teams you needed, but i recently heard it takes up more time to do it that way. You could always just make the teams up yourself and post them. If you have more time you could do things with cards. Count out the cards that you need and say all 2's are together and 3's and so on. |
katie stickman (Kstickman)
New member Username: Kstickman
Post Number: 1 Registered: 4-2011
| Posted on Sunday, May 01, 2011 - 1:21 pm: |      |
I teach girls pe and in order to make the team competitive I will make them. I usually make teams ahead of time and post them. I have had the kids get a partner. Then I have one partner go to one team and another partner go to the other team. I think it's important that they meet new people and talk to other students. A lot of times they are comfortable with one group and I really like making them step outside their box and have to work with students they they do not normally hang out. I think this helps the kids work with others. And maybe they will meet someone that they really end up liking. I have also done other things, like rock, paper, scissors, even/odd birthday months, when they finish running the order of finish is their team and so on. I really like the idea about using playing cards and they are on their teams based on the suit. That is great! |
Nancy Fisher (Nannygoat)
New member Username: Nannygoat
Post Number: 1 Registered: 4-2009
| Posted on Sunday, June 26, 2011 - 8:13 pm: |      |
Ways to select teams: 1-students draw a colored strip or # out of a container that they can't see into. 2-class forms groups of specified # then numbers each member in that group. All 1's get together, etc. 3-class selects a partner & one sits. Sitters form 1 team & standers form other team. 4-class puts own hands together interlocking fingers. Those with R thumb on top is one team. 5-partners put backs together w one facing front wall. Person facing front wall is on one team, person facing back wall is other team. 6-students hi 5 a person, then a different person, then a different person--this is their partner. 7-use index cards. Write a number or color on each depending on how many groups you want. For example: needing 4 groups, write numbers 1-4 on different cards). Now make 3 more sets of cards the same. You now have 4 #1's, 4#2's, etc. Students pull these out of a container/sack. If there is an odd # of students, one student will draw a "special selection" card & they get to join any group they want. 8-students with birthdays in Jan/Feb/Mar form 1 team. Then next 3 months, etc. 9-Those who like smooth peanut butter form 1 group, those liking crunchy P-nut butter form 2nd group. 10-close eyes & fold arms. Those w/R arm on top form 1st team. L arm on top forms 2nd team. 11-add the last 4 numbers of your phone number together--odd totals form 1st team, even totals form 2nd team 12-place hoops around gym floor. Have students use locomotor skills moving around floor using music. When music stops, teacher calls out a number and students run to a hoop forming groups of that number. 13-Name 3/4 or more types of meat/cereals, soda drinks and students stand in designated place when their favorite is called. 14-If you put one sock and shoe on at a time form group 1. If you put both socks on before putting on shoes, form group #2. |