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Patrrick Unregistered guest
| Posted on Saturday, May 07, 2005 - 7:45 pm: |      |
Ah, field day! I thought I'd share some ideas in the hope that others will contribute theirs as well. These will work primarily for elementary and middle school. a. Wrap the mummy - Divide students into several groups. Each group chooses one student to be a mummy. Others line up 50 feet away from mummy. On the whistle, students take turns running down and wrapping one body part of the mummy with toilet paper. Students take turns until all parts or covered or a time limit runs out. Teachers can then judge mummies based on neatness, thoroughness of coverage or other criteria. 2. Sponge Race - You'll need two buckets, a sponge and water for this. Fill up one bucket with water. Line up students about 1-2 feet apart in a line with other bucket at the end of the line. On the whistle, the first student in line dunks the sponge in the water and then passes it backwards over his/her head. Repeat to end of line and squeeze remaining water from sponge into bucket. Winner is determined by how quickly first bucket is emptied OR who has the most water in the bucket at the end. Great on a hot day. Everyone gets drenched! |
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 6:13 am: |      |
I am trying a Dr. Seuss field day this year. The teachers in charge of each event will read an exerpt from a Dr. Seuss book before the children participate in the event. I am still trying to get everything worked out but the event will be related to the part of the book that is read. THis is for K-4. |
Jeffrey L. Merzbacher
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 6:37 am: |      |
I like the "leaky pipe" where students use a PVC pipe with holes in it to transport water from one conainer to another. It will take groups of children covering the holes with their fingers to get the most water across. You could have more than one pipe at each station as well. I was introduced to this splendid game by Geoff McCloud, our CAHPERD preident. It is really fun and takes a great deal of cooperation! |
Shoshi Kron
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 3:41 pm: |      |
1. WATER LIMBO (Playground): Equipment: boom box, limbo tape or CD, water limbo stick, hose Have the student’s line up one behind the other and go one at a time to do the limbo under the limbo pole. The teacher and or parent will lower the limbo stick during the song. Do whatever you can to have the students be successful. Do not eliminate any students! (The children will get wet) 2. BUBBLES (Parking lot, outside Room 3): Equipment: Large bottles of bubbles and two buckets Each student will have bubble equipment. They will dip their bubble blower into the solution and blow bubbles. Do not blow bubbles in other student’s face. Keep bubbles and bubble soap away from eyes and mouth. 3. CIRCLE STRIDE BALL (Field): Equipment: 2 beach balls The children are in a circle, facing in. Each child stands in a wide straddle stance with the side of the foot against his or her neighbor’s. Their hands are on their knees. Two balls are used. The object of the game is to try to roll one of the balls between the legs of another player before he or she can get their hands down to stop the ball. No scoring will be used, play until children get tired. 4. SACK RACE (Field): Equipment: 2 sacks, 2 cones Divide students into two teams, and have the teams line up. The first person in each line places both feet inside their sack. On “go”, he jumps toward their team’s cone, goes around it and returns to the starting line. He takes his sack off and hands it to the next person in line. (Students can help each other get into and out of their sack). As soon as each child on a team has had their turn, that team should sit down to indicate that they are done. Variation: They can run the course two or three times or until they get tired. 5. DIVE FOR MARBLES (Playground): Equipment: 1 Pool with 2-3” of water in the bottom, marbles and/or small erasers, Frisbees 1 per student, large mat or plastic tablecloth, cloth towels, a stop watch (if desired) The children all come and sit on the mat that is placed beside the pool. They all take off their shoes and socks. They put their socks inside their shoes and put their shoes on the edge of the mat. If they are wearing long pants, the pants should be rolled up if possible above the knee. Teacher or parent calls children to sit on the edge of the pool. One child goes in at a time and sits where directed. Small groups of students sit around pool of water. Marbles and/or erasers are scattered in the pool. Each group can be given 1-3 minutes to get as many marbles with his or her toes and put them into the Frisbee using their foot. When finished, teacher or parent will call two children at a time (kids closest to the mat will be called first) to come out of the pool. Two towels will be placed on the mat and children will step on the towel and dry their feet. When they are finished drying their feet, they go and put on their shoes and socks. Variations: Have the students try to pick up the marbles/erasers with their favorite foot, non-dominate foot, or put the marbles into the Frisbee of the person on their right. 6. SPONGE RELAY (Parking Lot): Equipment: 2 large sponges, 2 large buckets filled with water, 2 Hula-Hoops, 2 empty buckets at the finish line Divide students into 2 teams with the first person from each team standing inside a starting hoop. On the signal to begin, these players pick up a sponge from the bucket filled with water. They must pass the sponge over their head to the next person in line. The players continue passing the sponge over their heads until it gets to the last player in line. This person will take the sponge and squeeze it out into the bucket behind them and then go to the front of the line, step into the Hula-Hoop (replacing the first person), dunk the sponge in the bucket and begin passing it over their heads again. They can run the course two or three times or until they get tired. 7. FIREMEN WATER BRIGADE (Parking Lot): Equipment: One plastic cup per student, 2 large buckets at the starting line filled with water, 2 hula-hoops, 2 empty buckets at the finish line Divide the students into 2 teams and line up between the buckets. The first person in each line stands inside the hoop. Each student is given a cup. On “go”, the first person fills their cup from the starting bucket, then pours the water into the next child’s cup. So on down the line, until the last child in line pours the water into the empty bucket, then runs to the front of the line and stands in the hoop and everyone else takes a step backwards. Then they fill their cup from the starting bucket, and starts again. They can run the course two or three times or until they get tired. 8. BALL IN SPOON RACE (Playground): Equipment: 2 table spoons, 2 small balls, 2 cones Divide students into 2 teams. Have first child in each line put the small ball on their spoon. Have them walk to a cone and back around while keeping the ball on the spoon, and trying to only hold the spoon with one hand. If the ball drops, they may pick it up with their hand and put it back on the spoon, then continue from where the ball dropped. After they get back to the starting line, they pass the spoon to the next child in line, until each child has had a turn. They can run the course two or three times or until they get tired. 10. WATER BALLOON TOSS: (Field) Equipment: Lots of filled water balloons Have each child paired up with a partner (if you have an uneven amount of children, a teacher or parent can join in the fun). The children stand in two lines, with each child (in one line) facing their partner (in the other line). Give one water balloon to each child in one of the lines. That student throws the water balloon to their partner, and the partner throws it back. If the balloon breaks, that pair sits down (and dries off). The teams that don’t break the balloon take one small step away from each other, and try again. This continues until each teams balloon has broken. . The balloons may break easily, so you can do 2 rounds of this. You can switch partners for the second round. 11. BALLOON BATTLE ROYALE: (Field) Equipment: balloons with a string tied to each one Divide children into pairs. Tie a balloon onto the left ankle of one child in each pair. The children should keep their arms locked to each other at all times, with the player with the balloon on the left. Together they must try & protect their balloon while trying to step on someone else’s balloon and break it. The last pair of students with their balloon ends the game. You then can switch for another round, tying the balloon onto the student that didn’t have it in the first round. 12. KANGAROO (Field): Equipment: 2 balloons, 2 cones Divide the children into two teams. Each player holds a water balloon between their knees, arms bent and up against their chest (like a kangaroo). They will hop to a cone and back, then they will give their balloon to the next person in line. If the balloon falls, they can pick it up with their hands, put it back between their knees, and continue, if it breaks the teacher or parent will give them another water balloon and continue from there. Keep playing until each child has had a turn. They can do this activity two times. 13. FRISBEE RELAY (Parking Lot): Equipment: 2 Frisbees, 2 large buckets of water, 2 cones Divide children into two teams and have each team line up. The first child in each line fills his/her Frisbee with water, carries it around their teams cone and back, then empties the water back in the big bucket and passes the Frisbee to the next person on their team, then goes to the back of the line. This continues until each child has had a turn. They can do this activity two or three times or until they get tired or too wet. 14. THREE LEGGED RACE (Field): Equipment: Several lengths of cut ribbon, 2 cones Divide the children into pairs, have each pair stand next to each other and tie one child’s left leg to the other child’s right leg with the ribbon using a bow knot. Have them walk to the cone and back. A parent and/or teacher can untie them and them tie the next pair. 15. WHEELBARROW RACE: (Field): Equipment: 1 cone The children will be divided up with their partner. One child (the “wheelbarrow”) will lay down on their stomach. The second child (the “pusher” will take the “wheelbarrows” ankles in both hands and lift them up so the “pusher” is standing straight holding the “wheelbarrows” feet by their side. The “wheelbarrow” will walk on his/her hands as the “pusher” walks holding the “wheelbarrows” ankles. The team will try to ‘walk’ this way to the cone and back, then the next team can go. Each team should do this activity once. 16. HOPPITY HOP: (Field): Equipment:2 Hoppity Hops, 2 cones Divide the children into two teams and have each team line up. The first person on each line will sit on the Hoppity Hop, holding the handle, and hop to the cone and back. They will get off and the next person in line will go. This continues until each child has had a turn. They can do this activity two or three times or until they get to tired.
Rob (Robear)
New member Username: Robear
Post Number: 1 Registered: 5-2005
| Posted on Monday, May 09, 2005 - 5:03 pm: |      |
I'm doing a Beach Party Theme for my Adventure Fun Days. I see one grade each day for 2 hours. Each acrivity lasts 15 minutes that are set up as stations. Here are my activities. Beach Slide Materials Parachute Tracs (3) & garbage can and several balls. Directions You will need several balls to fit in the trac and a garbage can. The task is to move the ball going across a predetermined area and into the can. It is important to make the area to cover longer than the group can get to by standing next to each other. The rules are: • No one may touch the ball with their skin or clothing. The ball may not touch the floor. • If either of the above happens, the group must start over. • When students have the ball in his/her trac, that person may not walk. • Students must remain in possession of their trac. The groups objective is to see how many balls they can get in the can in 15 minutes. Crossing the Hot sand Materials Poly spots, boundary markers Directions Mark off a boundary on the floor or ground that spans 12 - 20 feet. It is necessary for the group to be able to cross the span with the given number of "marshmallows." Have the group stand behind one boundary marker and offer a scenario,: "Your group is stranded on the beach and wishes to get to the cookout on the other side of the beach. Unfortunately, the sand is so hot that you cannot cross. . The only way across is to use the marshmallows that are on the counter. You will need everyone's help to cross.” Rules of the marshmallows: • If anyone loses contact with the marshmallow, it is lost (i.e., they cannot be thrown or left unattended in the hot sand, because they will melt away). • It is also necessary to get as many marshmallows to the other side as possible, in case the group must return to the other side. No one may scoot the marshmallows along or attach them to their feet, because they will melt. • If anyone falls into the hot sand, the entire group must return to the beginning to administer first aid and try again. The Hula Dance Materials: Hula Hoops Scenario: There is a beach party going on and there is a hula dance happening. You all decide lets join in and have some fun. Directions: Class members get a hula hoop per person and try to do hula hoop challenges. Challenges: • How many times can you hula hoop around your waist, neck & arm? • Can you make your hula hoop roll forwards & backwards? • Can you spin your hula hoop like the toy “Top”? • Can you toss and catch your hula hoop with 2 hands, 1 hand and alternate tossing & catching with hands? • Can you use your hula hoop as a jump rope? • Can you think of a new trick using your hula hoop? Shark & Lifeguards (Gr. 3 - 5) Materials: Parachute Scenario: You are all beach goers having fun in the ocean but you don’t notice a lurking beneath you. However, Lifeguards are on duty to make sure you are safe. Directions: Select 2 students to be sharks (go under parachute) and select 2 Lifeguards who roam the beach (around parachute). Rules – • Sharks must crawl under parachute and grab beach goers ankles and try to pull them under • Beach goers must lie down on back and hold parachute up to their neck doing waves and ripples. • If beach goer ankles are grabbed by a shark, the beach goer takes his/her hands off parachute, hands go over head and shout for help. • Once a beach goers head is under parachute, they become sharks. • Lifeguards try and save beach goers by grasping their hands when they hear the word “help” Swing to the Beach Materials: Climbing rope (2), mats and shark pit Scenario: Your group is stranded on an island and there is a party going on at the beach that your group wants to go to. The only way to get to the beach is to use the ropes to get your group past the pesky sharks. Directions: Divide the class into 2 groups. The group must figure out how to get every one across the shark pit to the beach. Rules: • If a person touches the pit, that person must go back. • All members of the group must stay on the beach, if someone falls off the beach, that person must start over. Clean Up Your Beach Materials: Volleyball net and beach balls Scenario: Your group shows up to the beach and notice that the beach is full of litter and debris from a storm. In order for your group to play safe and have fun, you must clean your beach. Directions: Divide the class into 2 groups, one group on each side of the volleyball net. On “go” students may throw and hit beach ball over to the other side. After 3 minutes, stop and have group count up their beach balls on their side. Have the group try and get fewer balls on their side next round. Repeat one or more times, time permitting. Crossing the Lake Materials: Scooters (6), mats (2) and paddles Scenario: Your group went on a voyage around the lake and ended up on the other side of the lake. Its time to go back to the beach for a cookout and games. The only way your group can get back is to use the materials provided to get to beach. Directions: Divide the class into 2 groups. The group must figure out how to get every one across the lake to the beach using only the materials provided. Rules: • If a person touches the water, the group must go back. • All members of the group and materials must get to the beach. Shark Attack (Gr. 1 & 2) Materials: Frisbees and parachute Let’s go to the beach! Players hold the parachute about waist high. One player, the shark goes underneath the parachute with a Frisbee. The shark holds the edge of Frisbee against the parachute while circling underneath to make it look as if a shark fin is rising up out of the water. The other players make waves with the edge parachute to simulate the ocean. Watch out! The shark may decide to bite one of the players holding the parachute by grabbing the leg. This Player then cries out, gets a Frisbee nad enters the water. Warning a feeding frenzy might develop as more and more sharks enter the water. I hope you find these activities useful.
Sharon Welch (Spe4me)
Junior Member Username: Spe4me
Post Number: 5 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Monday, June 06, 2005 - 2:23 am: |      |
My Field Day for grades 3-5 this year has a Survivor theme.#1 Raft Race ( in the gym) Equipment- 12 scooters, 4 mats, 8 scoops, beanie babies, 4 buckets Setup- In the gym scatter beanie babies within the boundaries. Make the rafts by placing one mat on 3 scooters. Place one raft and 1 bucket at each corner of the room. Assign each team to a raft and hand them 2 scoops per team. Scene- “ The challenge for each tribe is to see if they can maneuver through the rapids while gathering food for their tribe.” Directions- There will be 2 people in the raft with one tribe member pushing. Rules: The pusher must have both hands on the mat at all times. Penalty- 1.) the pusher must return to the base, 2.) the raft has to go back to the base for another pusher, and, 3.) they lose any fish they had retrieved from the river during that turn. The tribes are not allowed to run into other tribes on the river. Penalty- 1.)The team forfeits 6 food items from their team. 2.)All members on board return to base. 3.) Lose their turn. Tribe members have to use the scoops to pick up the beanie babies. Penalty- 1.) The rider must return to base and get another rider. Tribe members must remain on the raft except for the pusher. Penalty- 1.) The team must return to base and get another rider. After retrieving 2 food items they return to base and rotate new members onto the raft and return to the fishing. Continue until there are none left. #2 Coconut Carry Equipment- 16 Helium balloons filled with water, starting line, 4 cones Setup- Place one balloon at each team’s place at the starting line. Place one cone across from each team. Scene- “ The tribe has been ambushed by a rival tribe. The tribe members have to carry the coconuts they have gathered back to camp after their hands have been tied behind their backs.” Directions- The first 2 persons in each group have to place the balloon between their heads and travel to the cone and back without using their hands. When they return the next 2 members can go. If they drop the balloon the must start over at the starting line. See how many times the tribe can make the trip back and forth. Rules- They cannot use their hands to hold the balloon in place. The balloon cannot touch the ground. Penalty- If they must start over at the starting line. Variations - Have them travel with the balloon between their hips side by side. See if they can have 3 tribe members with 2 balloons travel. #3 Spinning Hoop Challenge Equipment- 4 hoops, starting and ending line with 4 cones. Setup- Place the 4 hoops equal distance apart on the starting line across from the 4 cones. Scene- “This tribe challenge will involve teamwork and rhythm. After a few minutes of practice, the tribes will be ready for the spinning hoop challenge. They will need to teach each other how to spin the hoop on their arm and pass it to each other without the hoop stopping. “ Directions- Demonstrate ways to get the hoop going. Allow the teams a few minutes to practice spinning the hoop and transferring it from one member to the next. Then have the teams line up in a straight line for the challenge round. If time allows have them try a relay with one person spinning the hoop on their arm while traveling to the cone and back. #4 Jungle Walk Equipment- 40 hoops, starting line Setup - Assign each team to the starting line where you have 4 stacks of 10 hoops. Scene-” The tribe members have been entangled by jungle vines. The only way they can escape the jungle vines is to hold hands and pass the vines to each other.” Directions- Each group has to stand in a straight line side by side holding hands. On signal the person closest to their stack of hoops must pass it around his or her body to the next person without using their hands. All tribe members must keep their hands held until the last hoop has been passed to the end. If a tribe member lets go or they use their hands Penalty- the team has to start over with all of the hoops at the start line. The first team to follow directions and get all of their hoops passed wins. #5 Fly Swatter Relay Equipment- 4 fly swatters, 4 balloons which have giant flies drawn on them, 4 cones Setup- Assign the teams to a starting space on the line across from 4 cones. Scene- “Someone in your campsite has not been tidy. Your site has been invaded by deadly fruit flies. Your tribe members must swat the giant fly across to the cone and back without letting it touch the ground.” Directions- On signal the first person in each line swats the balloon in the air across the area, around the cone and back. When they get back hand the fly swatter to the next person. Have one person from each team count the number of times they completed the challenge. Penalty for letting the Fly touch the ground- that person starts over at the starting line. The team that completes the most number of trips win this event. #6 Circle the Tribe Equipment- Two lines 30-40 feet apart., 8 cones. Setup- Assign each tribe a starting space on the line behind one cone. Scene- “The tribes must make a daring rescue of one of their members. On signal they must make a circle around one of their members by holding hands. Then the tribe must keep the circle intact while traveling across the desert. “ Directions- Have each of the teams make a circle by holding hands. Each team will have their team leader in the center of the circle. Let them practice walking across to the other cone, having the leader in the circle touch the cone and return to the starting line. Explain that each trip back to the start they must change the person in the circle until everyone has had a turn to be in the middle. You can only go as fast as you can safely without anyone falling down or pulling on each other. Rules - No one can let go of a tribe member’s hands. The leader inside the circle must tag the cone with his or her hand. The tribe has to stay on their feet. Penalty- They must start over at the starting line with the same person inside the circle. The first tribe to complete the challenge with each person in their group taking a turn inside the circle wins this event. #7 Nitro Carry Equipment- 4 team builders, 30 small cones, 4 hoops , 4 medium #cones Setup - Assign each team to a hoop at the corners of the area. Place 1 cone in each of the cones so they can see it. . Scatter all of the small cones inside the playing area. Place one team builder in each hoop. Scene- “ A plane passing overhead has accidentally dropped toxic chemicals onto the campsite. You will need to use the nitro carriers to move the waste out of the campsite area.” Directions- On signal each person in the group will hold one end of the teambuilder. They must travel as a group and pick up one cone at a time and bring the cone back to their hoop. Rules- Cannot drop a cone and pick it up with their hands Penalty- Stop and use the team builder to pick it up. #8 Ultimate Animal Equipment- 2 fish, 2 sets of jerseys, soccer field with sidelines marked Setup- Combine the 4 tribes to 2 teams. Assign each team a jersey color. Scene- “The tribes are enjoying a break and have decided to join together to play a friendly game of Ultimate Frisbee. Unfortunately they did not have a frisbee on the island.” Directions- After the teams have the jerseys on, designate which end each team is defending. Once you have possession you cannot take any steps. The object of the game is to score by passing the fish into the end zone to a teammate who must catch it in the air. Restart from the center with the team that just scored throwing to the opposite team. The closest defender to you will count to 10. You have to release the fish into play before the count ends to keep possession. Rules- You can intercept a pass but you cannot interfere with the thrower. Penalty- Warning issued for the first offense. 2 minute time out in penalty box (team plays short) You cannot take the fish away from the person in possession. Penalty- Warning issued for the first offense. 2 minute time out in penalty box If a pass fails to be caught Penalty- the opposing team gets possession on the spot. A team throws the fish out of bounds Penalty- the opposing team gets a free throw in. Failure to pass the fish before the count is up. Penalty- Lose possession on the spot. Traveling while in possession of the fish Penalty- Lose possession on the spot. # 9 Fishing Expedition Equipment- 4 mini parachutes, fish bean bags, 8 large hoops Setup- Line up the parachutes between each team’s 2 hoops. Place the same number of bean bags in the first hoop. Hand each team a mini parachute. Scene- “The tribes have been fishing in the river. They are competing to see who has caught the most fish. The tribe’s leader must toss the fish to the tribe’s net. Then the tribe members have to flip the fish to the last tribe member who must catch it in the air. “ Directions- Have 1 member from each team stand behind the hoop where the fish are. Have another tribe member stand in the hoop at the end. All of the other members will be holding the mini parachute. On signal the first fish is tossed to the net. They must catch it in the parachute. Then they have to flip it to the catcher at the end, who must catch it while both feet are inside the hoop. Set a time limit. Penalties- If the fish lands on the ground- If the catcher steps outside of the hoop- the team has to return the fish to the starting hoop. #10 Team Volley Equipment- 4 beach balls Setup- Have each team a starting space. Make sure there is space between the teams. Scene- “The tribes are getting ready for a volleyball tournament. They are practicing how many volleys they can do in a row.” Directions- Have the team in a circle. They have to keep the beach ball in the air while counting the number of consecutive hits. The team with the highest number of hits wins the event. Rules- No one can hit it twice in a row. The beach ball cannot touch the ground. Penalty- The team has to start over at zero. #11 Torch Relay Equipment- 4 golf tubes, 4 balls, 16 soccer cones, 8 green hurdles, 8 large cones, 4 broken hoops, 4 cones Setup- Line up 2 hurdles and one tunnel in a straight line in front of each team’s starting line. At the end place on turn around cone. Scene- “ The tribes are competing in a relay while holding a torch. They have to run through the jungle course and back without losing their flame. The winning team earns immunity from being sent off the island”. Directions- On signal the first person on each team runs through the obstacle course while holding their torch with one hand. The team that every team member completing the course first wins this event. Penalties- If they drop the ball off the golf tube- If a member uses 2 hands - If they fail to go behind the turn around cone- They must start over at the starting line. If someone knocks over an obstacle- They must stop and set it back up and start over. #12 Water Brigade Equipment- 4 soup ladles, 4 bucks of water, 4 plastic jars, 4 poly spots Setup- Place the 4 buckets of water across from the starting line. Place the plastic jar by each team on a poly spot at the starting line. Scene- “A rival tribe has stolen the tribe’s bucket. Each team has to use their dipping ladle to transfer water from the stream to their water supply basin.” Directions- Hand the first person in each tribe the ladle. On the signal they must run across to their bucket and carry the water back to their team’s plastic jar. They have to hold onto the end of the ladle with one hand. Penalty- Water has to be taken out of their plastic jar and returned to the bucket, before the next person can have their turn. The first team to fill their basin wins. #13 Lava Race Equipment- carpet squares, starting and ending line Setup- relay lines Scene- “In this event a huge volcano has erupted on the island. The lava is slowly pouring into the camp and the tribes must escape. To escape they must use the thatch from their huts to keep the lava from burning their feet.” Directions- Each team will have a pile of carpet squares (one less than their total number). The tribe has to use the carpet squares to travel across the lava. Rules- If anyone touches the ground Penalty- the whole team has to start over in the camp. #14 The River Crossing Equipment- 8 mats, 8 scooters, 4 ropes, 8 rings Setup- Each team will have a starting mat which will have the following equipment on it: 2 scooters,1 long jump rope, 2 rings. Across from each team will be the destination mat. Scene- “Your tribe must cross an alligator infested river. No one can touch the river or they will be eaten alive. You must use the available equipment to get all of your tribe members safely across to the other side of the river.” Directions- On signal the tribe members must come up with a solution on accomplishing the task. The first team to get all of their tribe members and equipment across the river wins this event. Penalties If anyone touches the ground off the mat the team has to start over. Once you get a player over the river, only the person who falls into the river has to start over. If you lose any of your equipment in the river the whole team has to start over. #15 Hot Coals Equipment- half tennis balls, 4 batons, starting line and ending line. Setup -Four rows of the tennis balls equal distance a part, starting at the starting line to the finish line. Hand the first person a baton to raise when they get over. Scene- “ To gain immunity the tribes compete to see which team can travel one at a time across the hot coals without flipping any of the coals over.” Directions- You have to wait for the person in front of you to raise the team baton before attempting to cross the hot coal bed. Rules You cannot flip over a coal- You cannot start before the signal is given. Penalty you have to turn it over and start over. #16 Animal Recovery Equipment- 4 small pails, 4 large pails or buckets, 4 sets of chopsticks, 4 hoops, frog, snakes, and or turtle bean bags, or bean bags. Setup- Each team will have a starting line with a small and large pail. Across from each team will be a hoop filled with objects and the chopsticks. Make sure there is an even number of things in each team’s hoop. Scene- “ The tribes are rescuing game that have been caught in traps. They have to use the chopsticks to carefully remove them and place them in their pail to carry them safely back to camp.” Directions- On the signal the first person on each team carries the small pail to their hoop and transfers one item to their pail using the chopsticks. Leave the chopsticks there. When you get back to camp transfer the game into the big pail and hand the small pail to the next person. Continue until all of the game has been rescued. The teams who followed directions and removed all of the game from their hoop to their bucket wins this event. Rules- You can only bring one item back each time. You can only use the chopsticks to pick up an item. No hands allowed. You cannot touch or interfere with another tribe. Penalties- Return the item or items back to the hoop Lose your turn. |
Michael J. Roskamp (Roskampm)
Junior Member Username: Roskampm
Post Number: 8 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 9:49 am: |      |
Wow! Here's a few more: 1. Spider's Web- make a "spider's web" in a soccer goal with string. Make a map and give each area an appropriate point value. The idea is for teams to SAFELY pass team members through the web one at a time to earn a s many total points as possible. A few basic rules: a. NO touching any string, if it even wiggles, start over. b. No running and diving through. c. The head of the person being passed must be supported at all times. d. A dropped player is a "huge" point deduction. (You decide based on your point system). e. No one may go through twice until every one has gone through once. f. No person may go through the same space twice. Give them X number of minutes, and let them try to score a s many points as they can. 2. Body language- Use 1-2 long jump ropes as the line to "write on". On the go signal, the whole team runs from the starting point tom the jump rope line, and must spell out the word, using their bodies, uaing every team member as part of the word. 3. Cross the Mississippi- Make a starting line, an island of car tires in the middle, and then a finsh line on the other side that is really a high jump pole or a pole vault pole laying across the top of 2 hurdles ( a height that cannot be stepped over). Give a team either 4-6 more car tires, or hoops, or bicycle tires, depending on their age. The team SHOULD NOT be able to simply spread them out and jump from tire to tire to get all the way to the island. The idea is for the team top get all of its members from the startingb line, across the Mississippi, and over the bar, with out touching the ground anywhere outside a tire, ever, at any time. If a person falls into the Misssissippi, they have to go back to the beginning. If they touch outside the tires, AND ARE NOT HONEST ENOUGH TO GO BACK ON THEIR OWN, and they need to be reminded, they have to go back and take 2 teammates with them. (this is great for buildingbhonesty and integrity). The goal is to get the whole teacm across the Mississippi as quickly as possible.
Michael J. Roskamp (Roskampm)
Junior Member Username: Roskampm
Post Number: 9 Registered: 3-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2005 - 10:02 am: |      |
FIELD DAYS!!! They are such great opportunities to build community in our schools if they are planned wisely. I used a great format for 15+ years with all K-5th graders mixed together,10-12 kids on a team, 2 teams competing at a time at each game, with half as many games as there were teams. I planned it all, used 5th graders as team captains. These 5th graders knew from day one of the school year that I would be either asking specific students or having a lottery to be captains based on their cooperation and leadership throughout the year. The captains had input regarding game selection, responsibilites for the behavior of team members, as well as other organizational contributions. The other students were all taught that the 5th graders were in charge, and that if the captain had to resort to getting my help with a problem team member, it wouldn't be pretty for that team member. Teachers were all assigned a game to run, some in pairs if I had enough. They were given written description and "rules" for their game. the beauty of it was that teachers could modify the game each time to make it work a bit better and the previous groups never had to know. The kids loved was all fun and crazy games...including some with went all day with a break for lunch, and the kids always came through with massive quantities of memorable moments and beautiful moments of teamwork, cooperation, and "team pride". We did keep track of who won each event each time, but by the end of the day, nobody really cared who won the most games, etc. We usually wrapped up the day with a large group game with everyone, ala "New Games"...and every one went home happy and with a few new friendships. Traditional field days with 100 yard dash, long jump, softball throw, etc.,...trash 'em! All the kids know who the winners are going to be anyway. Change your focus, build community, and do it all while having a great day! |
Dan Godshall (Dpg6017)
Junior Member Username: Dpg6017
Post Number: 3 Registered: 9-2005
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 12:19 am: |      |
Feild day was my favorite is a link that i found that has a few ideas And a few of my own... 1. Egg toss (or ball) 2. Water bucket fill up Fill a bucket up to a line by using teams and small cups. 3. Dizzy bats- You never know who is going to win 4. Rock, Tree, Bridge- A team of however many lines up. the first person crouches into a ball (rock), the second person jumps over the rock and then stands tall (tree), the third person jumps over the rock and then runs one lap around the tree, and then makes a bridge by leaning over. The fourth person then jumps over the rock around the tree and under the bridge and sets up as a rock. when the last person has gone from the line and is set up as whatever position the came out to be, the race can be over, or the first rock can run through the course and then the second all the way until you decid the race should end.
Catherine OStick
Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 1:12 pm: |      |
I am planning field day for our school. Some want the games completely non-competitive, meaning no winners or losers. Others think putting the kids on teams is a good idea. I am also doing an ethics paper on whether it is fair to have competitive field days. Please let me know what you think. - Thanks |
sandy Unregistered guest
| Posted on Sunday, January 22, 2006 - 7:42 pm: |      |
There should be a mix of competitive and non competitive activities. Kids would be in for a big shock if they thought life was not competitive. For someone to succeed in business, someone has to lose. We can't all be winners all the time. Kids need to learn these concepts too. |
| Posted on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 9:08 am: |      |
We are planning a Medieval Times Field Day. Any ideas for stations? We will have around 25 stations going on at the same time. Thanks! |
Kris Kramer (Kdk4988)
Junior Member Username: Kdk4988
Post Number: 3 Registered: 3-2006
| Posted on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 - 8:20 am: |      |
I think a modified Olympic field day is a nice idea for a themed Field Day. Students can participate in a variety of events by themselves as well as compete in team events to help build teams. I think this is a great way for students to have fun with athletics as well as get to achieve a sense of accomplishment. Allow students to recieve medals and ribbons for winning as well as participating. |
Elizabeth Grizell Pruden (Egp0606)
New member Username: Egp0606
Post Number: 1 Registered: 8-2005
| Posted on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 - 1:20 pm: |      |
What are some games and activites that could be used for field day and how can you accomodate for TMH children for Pre k -1st grade levels? |
Ashley Stoner (Ags4005)
Junior Member Username: Ags4005
Post Number: 2 Registered: 1-2006
| Posted on Thursday, March 23, 2006 - 11:56 am: |      |
This post goes along with that posted by Kris Kramer. I remember Olympic themed games as well. We had field day Olympic version every 4 years just like the regular ones. Each classroom would pick a country that they wanted to be and dressed up like them. Some events that I can remember are... 1) softball throw 2) 100 yd dash 3) base running 4) trying to open a starburst (or other small candy) with large snow gloves 5) water balloon toss |
Heather Mabie (Heather)
Junior Member Username: Heather
Post Number: 5 Registered: 9-2006
| Posted on Wednesday, September 13, 2006 - 8:29 pm: |      |
When I was in Elementary School we also had Olympic Field Day. It was each class room in 6th grade verses one another in: Softball throw Wheelbarrow race Obstical Course Ballon toss Goat race-head butt a kick ball through cones Three legged race Tug a war the class with the most points at the end of the competitions won |
Tanya Monica Mendoza (Truetanya)
New member Username: Truetanya
Post Number: 1 Registered: 3-2009
| Posted on Monday, March 30, 2009 - 3:00 pm: |      |
Those of you that have had kids do games with water have not had any problems? I would think that I would get reprimanded for letting the kids get wet in PE class and walking around school wet for the day. How did this work out for you that have tried games with water on hot days? |
Cynthia Denise Villarreal (Cynthia8907)
New member Username: Cynthia8907
Post Number: 1 Registered: 4-2010
| Posted on Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 8:26 am: |      |
At an elementary school I recently observed the teacher used the theme Medieval Times and used stations as a way to facilitate field day. The field day participants were K-5th graders and judges of sportsmanship at each station were 6th graders. In order to get any sort of ribbon the students as a class had to show good sportsmanship whether or not their team won, an individual won, or a group of two won. Some activities were as follows: Juggling Jammers- In groups of two have kids spin Jammer Frisbees on their fingers and toss them to one another trying to catch them on one finger. This simulates what a Jester would do to preoccupy a King. Castle Ball- Split the class in two and have 4 "castles" built with hula hoops on each corner of the gym floor. Each team will guard their two castles while they try to knock the opposing teams "castle" with the balls. The first team to knock down the castles wins. Knight's Dash- 100 yd. dash Walling Workout- Four teams try to work together to build a wall out of a set amount of blocks. They have to climb a hill one person at a time and only place one block down, it's sort of like a relay race and the team with the most unique wall (determined by the judges) and meets the criteria set by the teacher wins. Chariot Races- Using the bouncy balls you sit on and a jump rope as handles the same four teams, relay style, go around a set cone and win when their chariot is parked and all children are seated.
Kathy Norman (Kathy7)
Junior Member Username: Kathy7
Post Number: 3 Registered: 4-2012
| Posted on Saturday, April 07, 2012 - 10:56 am: |      |
My field day is run with the entire school at the same time (preschool through 4th grade). I set up 32 games all morning long and Field Day goes from 12:30 – 2:30. I have parents volunteer to help out at the games, two parents (at least) per game. Students walk around with a sheet of paper with their name on it and all of the games listed on the sheet also. They play the games with a partner and they each earn a participation sticker for completing the game. There are no winners or losers. Students find their own partners and can only use them for 3 games, then they must move on to another partner. The rule is: a younger grade asking an older grade to play a game, the older grade must say yes. An older grade asking a younger grade, the younger grade can say yes or no. A student in a grade asking a student in the same grade, the student can say yes or no. Of course, there is no way of truly monitoring how many games they play with their partner, but by walking around for the two hours, they appear to be following the rules. This rule allows siblings to ask each other as well as neighbors so everyone has lots of fun. Another rule is, if they are unable to find a partner they can ask an adult or teacher to help them or go to the game and look for a partner. In my 29 years, the students and parents have had a wonderful time and there have been no complaints. At the end of field day, each student receives a bomb pop popsicle and the fourth grade students are responsible for helping to put all the equipment away. The students then go home with a field day paper filled with all the games that they played to show their parents. Some of my stations are: potato and spoon, obstacle course, cross country run, clown toss, ring toss, whiffle ball hit, bucket brigade (with water), soccer kick, football kick, softball throw, tray race, shuttle run, potato sack, crab soccer race, soccer dribble, basketball shooting, buddy walkers, grand prize game, javelin throw, shot put throw, ladders, bagg-o, tug of war, bean bag throw, basketball dribble, etc. |
Karen Renaud (Wonderwoman)
New member Username: Wonderwoman
Post Number: 1 Registered: 5-2012
| Posted on Friday, June 01, 2012 - 9:26 am: |      |
Thank you all for sharing great ideas. Although most of you are listing your events for elementary school level, these will be great fun for my high school kids. I teach Sophomore Wellness and we decided that even the big kids need to have some fun at the end of the year! I was looking for some new ideas to add to our "Sophomore Cup" end of the year events and found several. Thank you for the "Sponge Relay", "Team Volley", "Lava Race" and "Rock, Tree, Bridge" which we are using this week. I'm sure I can use more of these next year.  |