Paula Summit (Summit5)
Moderator Username: Summit5
Post Number: 33 Registered: 2-2005
| Posted on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 - 7:35 am: |      |
From the Legislative Alert from Community Anti-Drig Coalitions of America:- Last Chance To Save Funding For State Grants Portion of Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Program August 22, 2005 BACKGROUND In his FY 2006 budget request, the President recommended eliminating the State Grants portion of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program. The full House and Senate Appropriations Committees have approved their respective versions of the Labor, Health and Human Services and Education (LHHSE) Appropriations Bills. While the House recommended $400 million for the SDFSC program, the Senate Appropriations Committee only recommended $300 million. Historically, the House and Senate compromise on a funding level midway between the higher and lower levels each house has included for a particular program. Although rare, it is possible, with enough advocacy, that the State Grants portion of the SDFSC program could receive the House level of $400 million. Therefore, the field must continue to aggressively advocate to ensure that the SDFSC program receives the highest possible allocation. A Conference Committee comprised of the members of both the House and Senate LHHSE Subcommittees on Appropriations, as well as the Chairmen and Ranking members of the full Appropriations Committees will determine the final funding level for this program. It is imperative, particularly if one of your members is listed below as a member of the Conference Committee, that they hear from you about the importance of funding the State Grants portion of the SDFSC program at the House passed level of $400 million. Even if you have used CADCA’s CapWiz system previously on this issue, it is critical that you use it again now - we need to re-flood the Hill with letters. Fiscal year - State Grants portion of the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities program Fiscal Year 2005 - $437 million President’s Fiscal Year 2006 Budget Request - $0 Fiscal Year 2006 Full House Recommendation - $400 million Fiscal Year 2006 Full Senate Appropriations Committee Recommendation - $300 million Fiscal Year 2006 Field Request - $400 million MEMBERS OF THE CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Republicans: Arlen Specter (PA), Thad Cochran (MS), Larry Craig (ID), Mike DeWine (OH), Judd Gregg (NH), Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX), Richard Shelby (AL) Ted Stevens (AK), Ralph Regula (16th/OH), Ernest Istook (5th/OK), Roger Wicker (1st/MS), Anne Northup (3rd/KY), Randy Cunningham (50th/CA), Kay Granger (12th/TX), John Peterson (5th/PA), Don Sherwood (10th/PA), Dave Weldon (15th/FL) and James Walsh (25th/NY) Democrats: Tom Harkin (IA), Robert Byrd (WV), Richard Durbin (IL), Daniel Inouye (HI), Herbert Kohl (WI), Mary Landrieu (LA), Patty Murray (WA), Harry Reid (NV), David Obey (7th/IA), Steny Hoyer (5th/MD), Nita Lowey (18th/NY), Rosa DeLauro (3rd/CT), Jesse Jackson, Jr. (2nd/IL), Patrick Kennedy (1st/RI) and Lucille Roybal-Allard (34th/CA) WHAT YOU CAN DO Using CADCA’s CapWiz system, fax the members of your congressional delegation to ensure that they fund the SDFSC program at the House passed level of $400 million. YOUR FAX WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE! After you have faxed your Members of Congress, send this alert to everyone else in your network. TIMING Although the Senate LHHSE bill still needs to be considered on the Senate floor before this bill goes to Conference, we need to begin flooding the Hill with letters NOW, as we are competing for limited funding with every other issue in the bill. Fax the members of your congressional delegation ASAP and keep the pressure on throughout the entire month of September. CADCA’s fax system allows you to automatically fax a sample letter on this issue to your legislators from CADCA's website. To send faxes to your legislators, go to If you would like to personalize your letter with examples from your community, please email for a MS Word version of the sample letter. |