Ashley Buchanan (Ashleybuchanan)
Junior Member Username: Ashleybuchanan
Post Number: 7 Registered: 10-2011
| Posted on Saturday, October 08, 2011 - 4:17 pm: |      |
My junior high/high school physical education classes were for a whole 84 minutes. My teachers had it set up that the first "period", 42 minutes, was strictly conditioning. Our class would run around the gym to music for 10-20 minutes, do a series of wall sits, lunges, sit-ups, and push ups. The next 42 minutes of class wass when we were introduced to the game or unit for the week, or upcoming weeks. On Friday's we had "Fitness Fridays" where the entire period was dedicated to fitness based activities. We used BOSU balls, the weight room, and medicine balls. I feel this was a GREAT way to run a physical education class. Not only are you sticking with the traditional PE that's sports based, but you're tying in new PE that's fitness based. When I am hired at a school, how can I get my physical education classes to be run like this? How do I propose this idea to the school board and district? |