Organizations & Associations |
Academy of Leisure Sciences
- Adapted
Physical Education National Standards
- Amateur
Athletic Union
- American
Academy of Kinesiology and Physical
- American
Academy of Pediatrics
- American
Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance
- American
Cancer Society
- American
College of Sports Medicine
- American
Council of Exercise
- American
Fitness Professionals & Associates
- American
Heart Association
American Lung Association
- American
Safe Climbing Association - The
ASCA is a bare bones, non profit organization
of dedicated climbers who replace unsafe
anchors and reduce the visual and environmental
impacts of climbing.
- American
School Health Association
- American
Sport Education Program - Athletes
first, winning second
- American
Running and Fitness Association
- American
Yo-Yo Association
- Association
for Challenge Course Technology -
We set the standards in the challenge
course field, and promote the safe and
effective use of challenge courses
- Association
for Supervision and Curriculum Development
- Athlete
Project, The - is devoted to providing
athletes, coaches, parents, spouses
of athletes, administrators, and medical
teams with valuable up to date and cutting
edge information on how to increase
performance, how to maintain performance,
and how to safely compete.
- Australian
Council for Health, Physical Education
and Recreation Inc.
Be Fit For Life Network - The Network
is comprised of nine regional centres
focused on providing services, programs
and resources to promote the health
benefits of active living and physical
activity. Schools, communities and workplaces
are welcome to access these services.
- Brain
Gym - program of physical activities
to develop intellectual abilities
- Brazilian
Centre for Virtual Sports
- Canadian
Association for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance (CAHPERD)
- California
Council of School Leadership for PE
- Canadian Association for the Advancement
of Women and Sport and Physical Activity
- Concerned Adults and Students for
Physical Education Reform
- Center
for Disease Control
Center For Health & Health in Schools
- Center
for Motor Behavior in Down Syndrome
- ExerciseDaily!
- is a new specialized online tool which
offers free access to the latest news
in fitness, health, nutrition and wellness.
- Experience
Based Learning - Providing Through
Team Building, group models and active
learning, our missionis to deliver dynamic
programs which foster positive growth
within individuals, groups and organizations.
- Food,
Nutrition & Policy Consultants,
LLC - FNPC has products and services
to bring about change through policy
and program analysis, evaluation, development,
and advocacy training.
- Fresno
Alliance for Physcal Education and Athletics
(FAPEA) - California
- Health
Canada Online - Great resource to
many health related topics
- Healthy
People 2010
- Institute
for Sport Coaching - Training and
Professional Development Products &
Services for Sport Coaches
- Instititute
for the Study of Youth Sports (ISYS)
- Special unit within the Dept. of Kinesiology,
Michigan State University. Researches
the pros and cons of participation in
youth sports; produces educational materials,
and provides educational programs.
- Interact
Sports - InteractSport Pty Ltd is
a leading provider of online sports
administration and management solutions.
- International
Association of Physical Education &
Sport for Girls and Women
- International
Council for Health, Physical Education,
Recration, Sport, and Dance (ICHPERD)
- International
Council for Sports Science and Physical
International Federation of Sports Medicine
- International
Olympic Academy Participants Association
- International
Olympic Committee - Links to everything
related to Olympic Games and Olympic
- International
Society of Biomechanics in Sports
- bridge the gap between researchers
and practitioners.
- International
Society for Comparative Physical Education
and Sport
- Michigan
Fitness Foundation - Purpose is
to promote physical fitness for the
citizens of Michigan
- National
Alliance for Youth Sports
- National
Association of Intercollegiate Athletics
- National
Association for Sport and Physical Education
- National
Association for Girls and Women in Sport
National Athletic Trainer’s Association
- National
Collegiate Athletic Association
- National
Consortium on Physical Education for
Individuals with Disabilities
- National
Dance Association
- National
Institute for Fitness and Sport
- A non-profit organization committed
to enhancing human health, physical
fitness, and athletic performance through
research, education, and service.
National Intramural-Recreation Sports
- National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases
- National
Institute of Health
- National
Junior College Athletic Associations
- National
Recreation & Partks Association
- National
Youth Sports Safety Foundation -
Source for statistics on injuries and
safety recommendations for all sports
- NetSteps
- Great source of links toPE lesson
planning materials (Canada)
- North
American Youth Sports Institute
- Resources for coaches of youth sports.
- Ontario
Kinesiology Association PE Central
- The ultimate web site for physical
provides members with articles, activity
ideas, information on teacher resources,
related news stories, training and development
listings and opportunities, online workshops,
a monthly poll, and much more.
- PE
- is a non-profit organization
designed to provide a web community
for Physical Educators.
- P.E.4LIFE is the collective voice
for promoting and expanding quality,
daily physical education programs to
develop active, healthy lifestyles for
America's youth.
- Physical
Education Network - A central resource
for physical education teachers in UK
primary schools.
- Positive
Coaching Alliance - Transforming
youth sports so sports can transform
- President's
Challenge - The President's Challenge
is a physical fitness awards program
of the PCPFS. During a school year more
than 2.8 million awards are distributed.
- President's
Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
(PCPFS) - serves as a catalyst to promote,
encourage and motivate Americans of
all ages to become physically active
and participate in sports.
- Project
ACES - All children exercising simultaneously
day held annually in May
- Road
Runners Club of America
- Skating
America - provide institutions with
a highly dynamic, enjoyable, low cost
program to promote physical fitness
and health. The program focuses on an
activity which can become part of a
life long regimen of beneficial and
stimulating exercise.
- Spark
- Objectives: The focus
of SPARK is the development of healthy
lifestyles, motor skills and movement
knowledge, and social and personal skills.
Read their mission.
- Sports
Information Resource Centre (SIRC)
- The virtual resource center for sports
- Special
- Sporting Gang,
The - Yves Potvin's Resource Collection
- Sports
Media - Links to sports, coaching,
educational resources, lesson plans,
and a European-based mailing list.
- United
Cerebral Palsy
- United
States Olympic Committee - Links
to all Olympic sport organizations
- Unlock
Research - The purpose of this web
site is to provide encouragement and
support to physical educators who wish
to retrieve, review, and think about
research reports that might be helpful
in the conduct of their professional
- Utah
Education Network - Movement Fitness
- U.S.
Cerebral Palsy Athletic Association
- US
Youth Soccer - The Game For All
- Wheelchair
Tag Rugby
- World
Sport Stacking Association (WSSA)
- the governing body of the sport
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