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From:   Scott Melville <>
To:   CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1."", CWUGate1.GWIA1.""
Date:   Friday - September 28, 2001 3:11 PM
Subject:   Re: PELINKS4U Biographical Information Needed
Attachments picture (495162 bytes)   [View] [Save As]
LINKS Bio (19968 bytes)   [View] [Save As]
Mime.822 (712102 bytes)   [View] [Save As]

I hope all is well with you.  I have attached a bio and picture.


"Stephen C. Jefferies" wrote:

> Hi Everyone:
> Can you send us a brief biography about you? Also, in the next week
> or so would you send a photo (ideally in gif or jpeg, but we would
> even take a paper copy!). We are working to create an "About Us"
> page. Thanks
> Apologies if you did this some time ago and it got filed somewhere!
> Resend if possible.
> Hope your quarter/semester is going well. We continue to get
> excellent feedback about the site thanks to your contributions.
> Steve
> --
> Stephen C. Jefferies
> PELINKS4U - "Today's Physical Education Online"
> email:
> FAX/Phone: (509) 925-4175
> Address: 709 E. Manitoba, Ellensburg, WA 98926
> "Developing skillful and healthy movers"