TEACHER EXERCISE PROGRAM: As a future P.E. teacher, I would like to offer weekly group exercise sessions for teachers at my school. I think this is a great way to build community in the school and a chance to be healthy role models for our students. Does anyone have any experience in leading similar programs? Is it feasible? Are teachers willing to participate in something like this? Any advice is appreciated. Please share in the forum.
  PRESIDENTIAL PHYSICAL FITNESS: I am trying to record student's scores that they receive on the physical fitness tests. The President's Challenge has a Fit File but it is not compatable with an ipad. Does anyone have a way/program in which you input the data into an ipad and have it record as National or Presidential, based on the student's age? Been working on this for a while and any help would be great! Please share in the forum.
STEAL THE PIN: Does anyone else think that steal the pin does not exert enough physical exercise for all students? Please share in the forum.
JUMP ROPE ROUTINES: As a warm-up prior to activity what are some creative ways to have students use jump ropes and still have fun? Please share in the forum.
KIDS LOV E IT: I helped with a Jump Rope For Heart event at my old high school. It was a decent sized project getting everything organized, and the JRFH staff was so helpful and would do anything to help out. The kids raised some money to help benefit the American Heart Association. If the kids raised some very little amount they could attend the JRFH event where (1st) they get out of class so they love it, (2nd) they learn a lot about jump roping and exercise, (3rd) they learn about the heart and get free prizes all day! Kids absolutely love it. This isn't one of those assemblies where you have kids falling asleep on the person next to them. Please share in the forum.
PECAT: Has anyone used the new PECAT instrument to evaluate curriculum? If so, what are your general impressions? If not, has anyone read through the intrument and be willing to articulate a few general impressions. Please share in the forum.
SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS IN PE CLASSES: Should special needs students be able to participate in phyiscal education classes with normal students? Please share in the forum.
HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE: I am going to be student teaching in the fall and I have already started to think about my future job opportunities. One word of caution that I keep hearing is that when new P.E. majors go into a school that is the "old" way (sports and competition centered) is that it will be difficult if not impossible to implement your new P.E. philosophy. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to deal with someone who likes the old way and won't try anything new? Please share in the forum.
PEER TEACHING PARTNERS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I need some opinions. Do you think that peer teaching partners should be chosen by the professors or by the students themselves?

I was assigned a partner to do peer teaching with for one of my classes, and I am having a very hard time! He never seems to want to input anything. I feel like I am doing all the work. He never wants to get together and work on lesson plans, so I end up doing them. He makes fun of me for being "on the ball" and always wanting to get everything done so early. It's getting annoying! And there is no way that I could switch and get a different partner. I understand that once I get a job in the "real world" I am going to have to work with others, that I may or may not get along with...but when my grade relys on this...I'm not so sure that I feel it's a good thing!?

I would really appreciate some opinions on this. Do I have a reason to be upset about my partner? In-put would be great! Please share in the forum.