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ADAPTED: I currently teach an adapted P.E. class of 30 students. 14 students have varying severities of Autism, and 16 are moderate to severely MR. I see them twice a week for 90 minutes, and once more for 50 minutes. I have been rotating the same six or seven games that they know and enjoy for a while. Any suggestions as to some activities I could do with a class this large, and with such an array of abilities? I do have five teacher aides with me but they get bored, as I do, with playing the same games all the time. Please share in the forum.
COACHING: When planning a practice, I think it is very crucial to sit down and really put some thought into your plan. I know several coaches who would just wing it during practices, and you could definitely tell that they were very unorganized. Do you think it is best to lay-out a fully detailed practice plan on paper, or just think of ideas as practice goes on? Please share in the forum.
COACHING: For poor game play, should athletes be punished by their coaches by having them perform conditiong drills after the game (ex. running, wind sprints etc.)? Please share in the forum.
ELEMENTARY Should homework be given in phy ed classes? How much? What would be some examples of homework assignments? With the rise of childhood obesity, are Phy Ed teachers giving kids more homework? Should they? If I can recall correctly as a kid, I was never given homework in Phy Ed class during my elementary school years. Please share in the forum.
HEALTH, FITNESS, NUTRITION: It is almost a well-known fact that wrestlers are known for fasting for days to make weight for weigh-ins. I know, from experience however, that this is a very counter-productive method of losing weight. I know that it is better to eat a slightly smaller amount of calories per day than you burn per day over the course of approximately five meals. Knowing this, I have two questions. Are there quicker ways than others to find how many calories a person may burn in a day for someone who is not used to counting calories? Second, any advice on how to convince the wrestlers that fasting is not near as efficient as eating the correct number of calories? Most wrestlers that I deal with are convinced that fasting is the best way. Please share in the forum.
MIDDLE/JUNIOR HIGH PHYS ED: So...my volleyball girls have some of the WORST eating habits I've ever seen. I know they get it honestly from home, peers, community, etc. I honestly believe they are completely clueless when it comes to how to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, and of course, where to eat (if they have to grab something before practice). I've told them countless times they could bring things in and keep them in my office before after school practices, but only some take me up. Most others go to McD's or Wendy's across the street and scarf it down before getting back so I don't catch them. Oh, and not to mention the sweet tooth.

My question is this. . .Since it can be such a complex "lesson," where do I start and what do I cover? Plus, I really think that my all girls' PE classes could benefit as well. So, I guess its a 2-for-1 deal. Any suggestions, I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! Please share in the forum.
QUESTION: I am teaching at an alternative school for grades 7-12. I currently have the students play basketball, volleyball, badminton, baseball/softball and kickball. I do not have a lot of equipment to use, and getting the students motivated to participate is a huge challenge. I was wondering if anyone knew of any other activities I could integrate into the curriculum that do not require a lot of equipment and may spark their interest. Please share in the forum.