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QUESTION: I am the head of the P.E. department at a small private high school. I find myself in the position quite frequently trying to explain to parents what the difference is between P.E. and sports. The question always surfaces; why can't Johnny get credit for P.E., he plays on the soccer team. I would love to hear what other professionals site as their distinguishing characteristics between P.E. and sports. Please share in the forum.
QUESTION: How does everyone feel about a coach training with his/her team? For instance, if I were a coach and had a morning workout for my team, would it be appropriate for me to run, lift, and do other activites with them to keep myself in shape, and also show them that it is important? I think by doing this the team would be closer with me, and enjoy the workout more. What are your thoughts? Please share in the forum.
POST: State president elects and executive directors were lobbying on Capitol Hill this past week. Here is the overview. Read it and do what you can to support by emailing your legislators - Overview Issues.
POST: I am hoping to get poems and art from children this year to decorate the kidsrunning.com Web site. If you are interested in having you children participate see share.
QUESTION: I am in the process of developing an advanced physical education class taught completely online. Currently, I am researching curricular models,threaded discussion boards and streamlining teaching videos. Does anyone currently in the physical education field have any tried and true methodology? Please share in the forum.
QUESTION: I am a junior physical education major. The question that I have deals with separating the genders for physical education classes. What are the advantages and disadvantages of separating the genders for classes? What are some of the noticeable differences when the genders are separated and when they are together? Please share in the forum.
POST: I know your post about purchasing "TAKE 10" was a while back, but anyway for anyone about to PURCHASE...save that money and use it for equipment. You can download all of the energizers from ncpe4me.com, which are great!! Also there is another NC website: http://www.fitkidsnc.com/ which has tons of activities. Some even have video links. It is an awesome website, and continuously growing as more people contribute activities and ideas. We are very lucky in NC to have a great leader at our DPI (Kymm Ballard) who has worked diligently to push for 30 minutes of physical activity daily for all our students, and backed it up with many resources to help the classroom teachers help us physical educators with this task.