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ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Last night I was working with the AVS program in the pool. My student had a severe intelletual disability and was non-verbal. She did not like to be around the other students or around any equipment in the pool. Her aid told me to just let her float in the deep end of the pool. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on trying to get her to do anything besides float. I felt like it was defeating the purpose of getting her moving If i just "let her float" Please share in the forum.
TWEAKING PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER EDUCATION:What are your suggestions for ways to improve the professional preparation of future physical education teachers? Please share in the forum.
COACHING & SPORT: My question is, are parents and coaches pushing the youth into games much too quick? I know I worked at a basketball camp and it was twice a week. Two weeks into the camp the kids are starting to play games before they even know how to play the game. Some of these coaches were trying to teach 1st and 2nd graders plays, and they don’t even know all the rules yet. Should we not put more on learning the game before we throw these kids into a game? Please share in the forum.
GENERAL: I went to a Panel Discussion The other day of recent graduates basically just filling us in on what to expect after graduation when it comes to getting a job in the PE field. During the discussion they brought up the topic of being able to find things for your injured athletes or just students who have doctors excuses that allow them not to particpate in class. I understand that they can ride the bike and walk the track and what not, but i was kind of hoping for some better activities for them to do. Activities that would really keep them interested or if they are completly agianst PE something that would get them interested in PE. Any suggestions? Please share.
ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Hi everyone! I am a post bacculaureate student getting my teaching certification in PA. Coming from an exercise physiology background, I was not familiar with Movement Education. I am now taking a class for it, and I think it is great. Is there anyone that incorporates this, and can give some ideas of where to find lessons or examples? Is there a time when this is not applicable (ie, age groups)? Or just give your opinion. Please share in the forum.
HEALTH: I am a student in the physical education department and in many of my classes there are overweight students who plan to educate. I do not pass judgement on them but their students might and how can we stress reducing the obesity rate if we are not setting a good example with our own bodies. Our bodies as physical educators should represent an in shape form. Right? Please share in the forum.
SECONDARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION: My highschool played games that were known to get alittle out of hand at times. When we played handball some students would get very serious and maybe push or shove another student to get by them. The only way our P.E. teachers would deal with it was by just taking points off the students grade. That never solved the problem. How would you solve the problem? Please share in the forum.
TECHNOLOGY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: I am a senior at East Carolina University majoring in Physical Educaiton. I do not know what level I will be starting out in, but I do know I will be doing my internship at the high school level. I was wondering how I could incorporate technology into my lessons. If anyone would have any suggestions I would really appreciate it! Please share in the forum.
GENERAL: So many schools have the mile run. Students are required to run it in the beginning of the class and at the end of the quarter again. I was just wondering what everyone else thought of the mile run and it's impact on the students. Please share in the forum.