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ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Last night I was working with the AVS program in the pool. My student had a severe intelletual disability and was non-verbal. She did not like to be around the other students or around any equipment in the pool. Her aid told me to just let her float in the deep end of the pool. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on trying to get her to do anything besides float. I felt like it was defeating the purpose of getting her moving If i just "let her float" Please share in the forum.
COACHING & SPORT: When planning a practice, I think it is very crucial to sit down and really put some thought into your plan. I know several coaches who would just wing it during practices, and you could definitely tell that they were very unorganized. Do you think it is best to lay-out a fully detailed practice plan on paper, or just think of ideas as practice goes on? Please share in the forum.
GENERAL: Classroom management is an important aspect of PE but it can be difficult to decide what kind of punishments to use. Using a physical activity such as push-ups or running as a punishment might give the students a negative outlook on those activities. How can I punish students for inappropriate behavior but still keep a positive attitudes towards PE? Please share.
ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Hi everyone! I am a post bacculaureate student getting my teaching certification in PA. Coming from an exercise physiology background, I was not familiar with Movement Education. I am now taking a class for it, and I think it is great. Is there anyone that incorporates this or does not and can give some ideas of where to find lessons or examples? Is there a time when this is not applicable (ie, age groups)? Or just give your opinion. Thank you! Please share in the forum.
HEALTH: School lunches are just something that i do not understand. Why is it so incredibly hard to serve something that is healthy for your students. In the long run everyone would benefit from better lunches. The students would probably perform better because their bodies would actually have something good to fuel off of. A little while back Shaqeal Oneil ran a television program that took a handful of middle schoolers who were clearly over weight and whipped them into shape. They also challeged the school board to get better meals for the students and they succeeded. This is the direction we should be heading.

My hometown is investing in turf field which is going to cost over a million dollars, and there is absolutly nothing wrong with the field we have. Now why not invest that money into something like school lunches that would benefit the entire student body? With our economy being in a recession and almost on the verge of another depression is it safe to be investing in something as unnecessary as a turf field? Does anyone have any advice on really taking action and getting better school lunches? Please share in the forum.
SECONDARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION: What is sportsmanship to you? Do you actively teach sportsmanship to your students? How? Is it part of the grade? Please share on this topic. Please share in the forum.
TECHNOLOGY IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION: In one of my Physical Education classes the other day, we started talking about bringing Dance Dance Revolution into PE programs. As you all know, this game is very popular among kids these days. For example, have you ever seen young adults playing DDR in arcades at the mall? They will wait in long lines and pay money to be physically active! DDR will get your breathing and heart rate up, which is what we want in PE classes. DDR’s can be pretty expensive, but if PE teachers try hard enough, there are plenty of grants out there that could help tremendously to pay all the expenses.

So, my question to you is: Why aren’t many PE teachers trying to utilize all the grants available to implement useful technology into their classes? Please share in the forum.
AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS: I think that after school fitness programs would be a great addition to schools. Im not sure if any schools offer after school fitness programs besides competitive sports. My high school was one that only offered competitive sports after school. Not all students are competitive or want to join a team. There are so many fitness programs that could be developed. For example: weight training, aerobic workouts, a running program, and others. The students could stay after school and get fit instead of going home to play video games and eat. By having these programs, we could work on the obesity issue and even get these students to learn to love being fit. Is this a good idea? Please share in the forum.
NOTE: If you want to look for, or post, topics relating to sport, activities, and uniforms/dressing down for physical education, these topics are now posted under a new thread entitled "Sport, Activities, Uniforms/Dress Code."