The First Day

PE Forum: Elementary Physical Education: What to teach on the first day of PE Classes?: The First Day
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Huey Pearson on Monday, March 12, 2001 - 09:04 am: Edit

At my last Elementary assignment we combined the Physical Education, Art and Music classes into a grade level assembly. We introduced ourselves, talked about some highlights for the year and then did some type of movement activity with the entire group. We did this for the first three days of school. Also, we only did this type of activity with the 2-5 grade. For the K and 1st grade we went to their individual classrooms. This worked out for us to help with things that come up the first few days of school like new students, parent concerns, long lines in the office and bus problems. It also gave the grade levels an extra half hour before anything started for the day. We worked very well for us.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Anonymous on Wednesday, July 11, 2001 - 09:46 pm: Edit

We introduce ourselves, go over rules, requirements, etc. place students in their squad seats and then do some fun mixing up activities to see if they can remember their seats. For example, we send our four squads to the 4 different corners of the gym and tell them to line up tallest to smallest and we play a song for about 2 minutes, see how they are coming along. You may have to help them, declare a winner which group did it first and tell them they have 5 seconds to get back to their seats. Count down. You can use other ideas, such as Birthday month, alphabetically by first name, etc.

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