Teaching Olympic Powerlifting in Your Program

PE Forum: Conventions and Workshops: Physical Education Activity Kaleidoscope (PEAK) Abstracts: Teaching Olympic Powerlifting in Your Program
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Teaching Olympic Powerlifting in Your Program

Andrew P. Jenkins, Ph.D.
PEAK Workshop
Teaching the Fast Lifts Through Exercise Progression

Most sport coaches understand the effectiveness of weight training in developing peak strength and power in athletes of all types. The "fast lifts" such as the powerclean, clean and jerk, and snatch form the core of power training for athletes. However, many coaches of power oriented sports such as track and field, football, hockey, and basketball prescribe these lifts but few have had proper training in them. Observations of novice lifters reveal a variety of common errors many of which may result in injury and discouragement and all of which may rob the athlete of any potential benefit from performing the lift.

The primary goal of this session is to teach coaches and physical educators the proper exercise
progression for instructing the fast lifts. Specific instruction will be provided regarding the correcting of common problems seen in the fast lifts.

As a result of this session participants will:
a) be familiar with the power clean, the snatch, and the clean and jerk
b) be enthusiastic about the role the fast lifts play in developing power in athletes
c) know the proper progression for teaching the fast lifts
d) know the proper remedial steps necessary to remedy for faults in the fast lifts

Below Please find links to the 5 page Handout

Page 1
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Page 3
Page 4
Page 5

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