By PELINKS4U on Monday, April 16, 2001 - 03:28 pm: Edit
Scott Melville Laurie Morley Eastern Washington University
"How am I supposed to be able to document all these EALRs?"
Here is a demonstration lesson directed toward meeting:
Essential Learning 1: the student acquires the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain an active life.
1.1: Develop fundamental and complex movement skills as developmentally appropriate,
1.2: Safely participates in a variety of developmentally approprite physical activities.
In this session participants will be moved through some volleyball progressions and quickly integrated into mini volleyball games. During the course of these games the instructor and attendees will use a rubric to evaluate the players performances. The rubric will be a holstic assessment of playing skills (overall application of techniques, strategies, knowledge of rules and affective skills).
Following play evaluation results and process will be discussed. It is hoped that the attendees will better see how they might be able to feasibly assess a large class in a short period. Authentic holistic assessment issues will be discussed as they relate to Essential Learning 1 (specifically 1.1 & 1.2 -- Benchmarks 2 and 3). The score sheet to be used is shown below.