Fonts: Changing face, size, and style

PE Forum: Test Messages: Example Postings: Fonts: Changing face, size, and style
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By PELINKS4U on Thursday, May 03, 2001 - 01:43 pm: Edit

The forum allows for using different font faces, sizes and styles. This is all accomplished by combining your basic text with brackets and modifiers.


To work with fonts you have several options:

Style: bold, italics, superscript, subscript, and underlined

Color: red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, white, gray, black, or the use of RGB (hex) colors

Text Size: 3 sizes

Miscellaneous Options: font face, Greek (symbol) text, ASCII character set, strikethrough, blinking

Let's explore some of these options:

To change the style of your fonts try something like this: Italic text is nice, but Bold may work better for most applications.

spacespace\i{Italic text is nice}, but \b{Bold may work better} for most applications.}

Changing colors is rather straight forward:
Red text or bold purple text can be nice.

spacespace\red{Red text} or \b{\purple{bold purple text}} can be nice.

To change the size of your text try this: ABC - CBA


Some of the other options available include:

Flashing, No make that "Blinking" letters, and using special characters such as: ®, ±, the space alien {:)} or regular smilely face J

If you know what they stand for, Greek or the Symbol font can be used to good effect:


How did I do it­ ?? (Note: the differnce in question marks.)

Ok, I was going to challenge you to figure it out, but I'll show you this time:

spacesType \ch{/|}to get "­"
Type a regular keyboard ? to get the ?

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