Basic Message Posting

PE Forum: Test Messages: Example Postings: Basic Message Posting
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By PELinks4U on Wednesday, May 02, 2001 - 10:15 pm: Edit

This is an example of a basic message. It is created by selecting "Create New Conversation." After typing in the basic text you can preview how it will look in your browser window by clicking on the "Preview/Post Message" button below this entry box.

NOTE: you must enter something in the "Username" box for this to work or you will see this:

spacespacespAuthentication Error

spacespacespYou must enter something as your username.

After entering and previewing text to your approval; save it to the discussion board by clicking the "Post this Message" button. We will get into applying special characters, attributes, etc. in later messages.

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