By Florence A. Evans (Florence) on Friday, June 15, 2001 - 10:34 pm: Edit |
This past school year, I attended a workshop for area physical educators. One of my former college professors presented one of the sessions on "Getting the Most Out of Tumbling Mats." He found the information in a text book for middle school physical education. I tried some of the simpler ideas with my elementary physical education classes (K-4). They thoughly enjoyed the team and cooperative aspects of the unit. Using the mats that fold up and scooter boards, dividing the classes into "teams," they were given the assignment of moving their "boats" across the gym floor in the most efficient manner. Whatever a team suggested all the teams had to try. Some suggested "everyone use their hands," or "everyone use feet only," and even some suggested folding the mats up like a canoe. A great unit on cooperation, teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking and gross motor movement. All my students, including my special needs children, experienced a certain level of accomplishment and success. Isn't that what we are all about? There are many more possibilities that could be presented on a middle and secondary level utilizing the tumbling mats. I would like to hear of some other cooperative lessons/units that have worked for other physical educators.
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