By Kim Eroh on Wednesday, April 11, 2001 - 01:31 pm: Edit |
Does anyone currently use a palm pilot or anything else for PE grading and recording physical fitness scores ? Any suggestions ?
By Emily on Sunday, April 22, 2001 - 04:25 pm: Edit |
How much does one of these things cost?
By Tim Alwine on Friday, May 04, 2001 - 03:04 pm: Edit |
Hi everyone, I would like use a palm for using it to store fitness information and to do assessments on. I found software from Sun Burst called Learner Profile, Learner Profile to go and added software for Physical Education. Has anyone out there tried this software? Is it easy to use and set up? Did you or the school purchase the software or was it through a grant? Any information will be very useful. Thanks, Tim
By Carol Phillips on Thursday, May 17, 2001 - 11:52 am: Edit |
I tried learner profile for the Newton when it first came out and I found it very hard to learn. I think it is good software, but as computer people would say "it has a high learning curve" - it takes quite a while.
I just bought a Handspring Visor for $200, but haven't used software yet. I ordered Quickoffice which has word processing and excel, but it doesn't work with Macs and that is what I have so haven't really used it yet. Good luck - I think this is the way to be going.
By Walter Olson on Tuesday, May 29, 2001 - 04:31 pm: Edit |
I have just purchased a Palm Pilot and will be using it in my next class next year. I am interested in doing grades, fitness and skill testing. As well as having students use the Palm Pilot during class. If anyone else is doing something similar, i would love to hear from them
By Judy Cooper on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 06:51 pm: Edit |
I've been working with an HP Jornada handheld this past year. has software and a website that I use. The handheld software has standards, rubrics, heartrate monitor program, fitness program, etc. Also, just recently in a newsletter from there was info re: the palm and it's record keeping possibilites for PE teachers. Both websites are worth the time if you're interested in pusuing use of the handhelds.
By Cheryl Harlow (Charlow) on Tuesday, June 12, 2001 - 06:41 am: Edit |
I plan to meet with our system Technology Coordinator this week to work on a program for a handheld that can be used in the gym. He will write the program for me and I will supply the information. I plan to use the program in elementary physical education classes. If this works out our school system will purchase the handhelds for myself and another teacher to test. Hopefully, the program will include skills, class lists, etc. If you have used one of these devices or programs and have found something particularly helpful let me know. Thanks
By Dan Persse (Danthepeman) on Thursday, July 05, 2001 - 10:30 am: Edit |
I am currently working on a proposal for grant monies, and developing a plan to incorporate this in my pe classroom - elementary that is.
anyone have experience with this yet?
I will share if you want...
By Dan Persse (Danthepeman) on Monday, July 09, 2001 - 02:18 pm: Edit |
The latest I found price wise is the sunburst's Learner 3.0 for a total package of around $729.95 + 8% s/h. They will use the M100 palm-pilot but the salesrep suggested to "shop around" for a pilot you like. These systems have 8megs of memory.
Then I checked out for thier "Companion" PC slightly larger than a palm but still able to "fit in a pocket". They use a shareware software where you create your indicators (up to 5) on a website, dwnld to your Companion and then you can use a 1-5 pt. rubric, as well as utilize heart rate info, and various fitness tests including FITNESSGRAM. This system costs $640 for the Companion and $490 for the software. They go through Hewett-Packard but the rep said you can look at compaq or Quasio. These systems have 32megs of memory and can hold up to 2000 students (I only have 525!). U can do other variables as well i.e. participation, attendance, has Word and excel as well.
To me the Companion sounds like the way to go but is $500 more. I am currently looking for grants.
By Leslie Hicks on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 04:12 pm: Edit |
I am using the Handspring Visor Deluxe ($200)to record students grades. I began using it in March last year and I haven't had any problems. I bought the Quicksheet program($29) to go along with Microsoft Excell. It's great for recording grades.
By Florence on Sunday, August 19, 2001 - 08:20 pm: Edit |
I just purchased a Handspring Visor Deluxe. I am planning on using this PDA with record keeping, inventory and grading with my elementary physical education classes this coming school year. Dr. Bonnie Morenson (who wrote Technology and Physical Education) has for sale at her web site softwear specifically for the physical education teacher. I purchased the text book and I asked her many questions before I purchased my PDA. She was quite a bit of help. She even offers online a class on utilizing the PDA. Check her out at
By LexaJones on Thursday, September 20, 2001 - 08:45 pm: Edit |
I have heard of a company called Palm Technologies that has created a hand held system specifically for PE. The unit is about $1500 with the software included. From what I understand, the software includes anything you want. For example, dressing out, attendance, fitness testing. You set up your program on a desktop and do the upload/download thing once or twice a day. Kind of expensive, but the machine is a lot more durable than a palm pilot. (a lot bigger too, but smaller than a roll book) I would love to know if anyone has used it and how it works. Their website doesnt say much about the machine itself.
By Walter C Olson on Friday, September 28, 2001 - 12:58 pm: Edit |
I am trying to find out more about I went to that url, and got adomain server. If anyone has info I would like to here about it. I'm looking for programs for palm handhelds
By LexaJones on Monday, October 15, 2001 - 07:36 am: Edit | I was wrong, thought it was technologies. Good luck, we are going to purchase ours soon.
By Dave Steavpack on Friday, December 07, 2001 - 11:49 am: Edit |
I am writing a grant for the purchase of a "Companion" handheld from HealthFirst. Can anybody assist me with the question, "How will this new technology assist the learning process for students?"
By Katherine on Thursday, December 13, 2001 - 11:05 am: Edit |
I don't know that the "Companion" will assist the learning process for students directly. I can see where using one would help make your time, as a teacher, much more productive. You will not have to do the immediate tasks on the desk top as I have to, which takes me away from my class for several minutes at a time.
By Patrick on Monday, June 24, 2002 - 11:52 pm: Edit |
I am a Physical Education teacher in So. Cal. and i have check out the programs available out there in bonnies fitwear and the companion and they are all to time consuming for a PE teacher to utilize b/c you have to change multiple windows for each student to record something and with 50+ students that was not feasable. the electronic roll book for handhelds can take attendance and behavior marks all on the same page and record grades and have a running total for each student. check out the website
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