Indoor or adapted Track & Field - ideas please?

PE Forum: Coaching & Sports: Indoor or adapted Track & Field - ideas please?
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By bails on Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - 01:36 am: Edit

I would very much like to hear from anyone who has found a good scheme for Secondary P.E. for indoor or adapted track & field?

My school has very poor facilities - basically we are an inner city school with no field or track. So we use an indoor 'hall' as well as numerous outdoor hardcourt areas.

Kneeling shot putt; standing broad and vertical jump; 30/40 metre sprints;foam hurdles;shuttlecock throw.......that is the sort of thing I am looking for?

Can anyone help. Names of books or web sites, please.

Derek Bailey
in Hong Kong

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