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February 2006 Vol. 8 No. 2

We have collected some articles that are written by fellow teachers in the field. I am sure that you will all find something that you can use in your teaching. If there is something else that you would like to see, let us know! We have tried to come up with some ideas that relate to a healthy heart. Check them out and see what you think!

Tom Winiecki
Elementary Section Editor
 Healthy Heart Ideas

Sneaker Wall
This is an idea that we originally found on PE Central. It looked like a good idea to try. As it turned out, it was FANTASTIC! The premise of the idea is that for every set amount of time that your students exercise, they earn a paper sneaker that gets taped onto the gym wall. Read the rest...

Aerobic Bowling Activities
Bowling is not traditionally a very "aerobic" activity. When one thinks of getting a workout, bowling is not immediately thought of. It is a great "social" activity. It is a super way to get together with friends and have a good time. Even though it's not a way to get your heart pumping, it can still be an important part of your total program. The imaginative teacher can easily adapt it to fit into their instruction. Read the rest...

Using a Pulse Monitor and Fitness Station Ideas
My experience with pulse monitors is in the elementary and middle schools (K-8). I side with the thinking that they are best used as a way to remind and reinforce to students how fast they need to exercise to gain all of the benefits. If the goal of your program is to give your students an appreciation of physical activity (to make exercise fun) and toward an ability to create activities on their own (they aren't allowed to say "I don't know what to do!."), pulse monitors can fit right in. Read the rest...


New Year's Resolutions
Even though New Year's Day was last month, those resolutions can still be used. They never seem to go away. Why not try them at school with your students. This is similar to the "Sneaker Wall" that is featured above. Instead of having your students bring in paper sneakers for any physical activity that they do, see if you can make it a bit more specific for them. Read the rest...

Why Only Do "Healthy Hearts" in February?
Why limit your kids to only one month when it comes to a health heart? Read the article on this topic.

Read here how Todd Keating in Naperville, Illinois uses activity to teach heart healthy concepts:

Cholesterol Ball
Objective: To teach students what cholesterol is and how it affects the body. This helps students understand how eating habits affect health for life. Read the rest...

Freeze (healthy heart) Tag
Everyone is crazy about tag games. One of the most popular is freeze tag. But in this game if you learn the 3-H's, you CAN'T GET FROZEN.

Pyramid Tag
Objectives: To teach student's the healthy food groups of the food pyramid and the importance of eating from those food groups every day.

Many of you are familiar with the great things at PE4Life. Todd offers what he has gotten from them to help him to continue to be an effective physical educator.

PE4Life Tips for Teaching Success
Being a PE4LIFE teacher means that you create an environment where every student is physically active, engaged in learning, and having fun. This is what differentiates the PE4Life teacher with the teacher who "rolls out the ball," and simply plays games that are void of purpose and objective. But the new breed of professional is changing the perception of Physical Education today. Read the rest...

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Any suggestions for a coaches challenge after a successful Jump Rope for Heart Event? We have kissed pigs, shaved heads and will be slimed for a different fundraiser. We are looking for something bigger and better as we are challenging our students to raise $40,000! Please post in the forum.

The Games from - This is a site you really need to check out. It's crammed packed with interesting information on nothing but physical activity games! You can even see photos of how kids 'play' in other countries. Very interesting!

Games from Around the World - from This is a very exciting site, listing tons of games from all over the world. If you want to have a school carnival, or even want to just have some fun activities without expense of equipment, this is a great site to get ideas. You'll find SOMETHING you'll like!

Speed Stacks

Traditional Children's Games from Around the World - Around the world, children have one thing in common. They love to play games. Discover how children from Venezuela, Mexico, Korea, China, Germany, and many other countries play different versions of the same traditional games such as jump rope, marbles, tag, top spinning, hopscotch, jacks, card games. See also games kids like to play in England.

Jump Rope Games - Jump Rope games have always been popular in countries around the world. One version of a jump rope game played with rubber bands connected together to make a long rope is played in many countries, including China, Colombia, and Indonesia. Check out these different versions of jump rope.

Jump Rope Games - Fun jump rope games for P.E. and recess.There is a game for every grade level and skill level. And they can all be played without a teacher turning the rope. These games make P.E. and recess fun while the children develop incredible endurance, agility, coordination, timing and dodging skills. A great way to start and end P.E. class. - source: site

Learning New Jump Rope Skills - This is a site with alot of very good information on different jump rope skills. Trying different methods of jump roping will help keep the exercise interesting! See also these jump rope games.

 Bullying in Elementary School

Parents’ Primer on School Bullying - If the school says “We don’t have that problem here,” don’t believe it.

The Nature and Prevalence of Bullying in Elementary Schools - The purpose of this study was to acquire descriptive information about bullying among students in elementary schools. There's alot of information here, and it's well worth reading.

From Education World, Dr. Ken Shore: Bully-Proofing Your Classroom - Prevention is, at its essence, a process of education, and many of the lessons students need to learn to dissuade them from bullying must come from you. Dr. Ken Shore offers teaching strategies you can use to bully-proof your classroom.

Also from Education World, Dr. Ken Shore: A Bullying Prevention Program - Research indicates that when schools implement a comprehensive program of bullying prevention, they can significantly reduce the problem of bullying. Discover what steps you should take to implement a bullying prevention program in your school.

 Character Building Lessons

Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation volume ll- Elementary School Guide. In today's school climate, character building and appreciation of differences have become major issues. Volume II provides lessons on cultural awareness, self-esteem, gender equity and Honoring Each Other to help create understanding and unity in school communities. These lessons provide the ideal opportunity to integrate conflict resolution and character education. It is recommended that teachers refer to the Glossary and Resource Pages located at the end of this guide to further understand these concepts.

Silencing Critical Voices of Schools - There is an awful lot of information at this site, but as you have time please read as the information is excellent.

 Jumping Rope

Tips for Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops For Heart events. This is a downloadable PDF document.

Activities for students with additional challenges
This site aims to provide teachers with some practical ideas so students with additional challenges can be included in Jump Rope. Adapted from the existing programme, the ideas are simple and where equipment has needed modification, the materials are found in any classroom or garden shed. - source: site

Inclusive JRFH Program Modifications - The American Heart Association provides some modifications so that all students can participate in a Jump Rope For Heart event.

Jumping Rope
by: Dr. Darrell M. Schreyer, D.C.
Research done has found that jumping rope to be very effective in improving cardiovascular fitness, as well as increasing strength and flexibility. According to studies published in Residents Quarterly, ten minutes of jumping rope is more effective for the heart then jogging for 30 minutes. Read the rest...

Jumping Rope - It's not just for kids Anymore!
by Mindi Boysen
The benefits of jumping rope Due to the fact that many people choose not to exercise because they feel they don't have time, jumping rope is the perfect match for our short and restricted leisure time. It is a great cardiovascular exercise utilizing both the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body. It is a great cross-training alternative for people who have reached a workout plateau and are not seeing results. It also helps increase hand/eye/foot coordination for many sports. It is convenient, inexpensive, and a positive quick reinforcement of progress. Read the rest...

6 Reasons Why Jumping Rope is Good for Kids (even boys!) -  This site also includes some tips for jumping.

Check out some different jump rope techniques from the American Heart Association.

 Heart Healthy Lesson Plans

Blood Circulation Through the Heart - Kinesthetic Activity. This is a great game for young students that explains how blood flows through the heart.

In a Heartbeat - This is a fabulous demonstration idea for showing your students' pulse with miniature marshmallows and toothpicks.

Learning About the Cardiovascular System - This is a lesson for third graders about the heart and blood. A worksheet is included, and the directions for an interesting mix of candy blood are a part of the activity!

Your Beating Heart - grades 3 to 4. There are three lessons in this group. The first two provide students with the opportunity to learn about the circulatory system and conduct an experiment where they take their pulses after different types of activity. During the third lesson, a pediatrician explains how she checks a patient's heart and the ways that a healthy lifestyle (food and exercise) can keep students' hearts healthy.

The Heart and Lung Dance - grades K to 5. This lesson integrates with science.

Here’s to Your Healthy Heart! - Students learn the primary controllable and uncontrollable factors that put one at greater risk for developing heart disease, and how to make lifestyle choices that will encourage good cardiovascular and general health.

Toledo  PE Supply
 'Other' Lesson Plans

Food and the Digestive System - grades 3 to 5. Purpose: To learn about the digestive system. To begin to explore where nutrients come from, as well as their importance for particular tasks in the body. See also, Good Food, Good Health & Got Broccoli?

Healthy Choices for Kids - Provides a great deal of curriculum help for teaching about healthy lifestyles.

Planning a Healthy Menu Using the Food Pyramid - This lesson requires students to use their knowledge of the food groups to plan a healthy meal. The meal needs to include an entree, at least one side dish, and beverage. This lesson is an excellent culminating activity for a nutrition unit. See also Fat Counting Unit

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