Transforming Play: Teaching Tactics and Game Sense (2010)
ISBN-13: 9780736075183
Description: 152 pages, paperback, $29
Publishing Company: Human Kinetics
Author: Dennis Slade

Reviewer: David Robertson, Marshall University

The Teaching Games for Understanding Model (TGfU) provides the foundation for Dennis Slade’s Transforming Play: Teaching Tactics and Game Sense. Slade, who is an educator, coach, and author of various books related to physical education and the TGfU curriculum model, integrates tactics and strategies to assist learners in becoming proficient in game sense during the playing of sports and activities. The book brings teachers and coaches full circle by providing a look at how most individuals learn skills and progress into game situations. Using various team activities Slade provides lead-up drills that are common to a variety of sports and then progresses to more appropriate activities for specific sports.

The book consists of 5 chapters surrounded by and introduction, glossary, bibliography, and index. The following provides a brief synopsis of the introduction and each chapter:

Introduction - The stage is set by describing the beginnings of how most of us started playing sports; captains choosing players then playing the game all while self-policing as the game is played. Going into the TGfU model sets up a good analysis of rugby. Also stated is that learners need to understand the game as well as what is appropriate in these social situations. The conclusion of the Introduction provides a view of how students make contributions to the team as well as how they assist with constructing (Constructivism) their own learning given various situations. Also provided is a lesson plan format that can be adapted and incorporated into the teaching of physical education at the elementary, middle, and high school levels as well as for university physical education methods classes.

Chapter 1 - Fundamental Movements and Tactics - Activities are provided that simulates a variety of game situations that could occur in a number of sports and activities.

Chapter 2 - Attack and Defence Tactics - A variety of defences are discussed, such as, man to man, zone (includes a good analogy of guarding a castle), progressive (Layering), and sliding. Examples using rugby, team handball, and soccer are used for progressive and sliding defences. Sports Education is mentioned within the context of game formations as they relate to tactical approaches. Chapter 2 concludes with, "However, above all, organize the games to encourage participation and enjoyment (p.80)."

Chapter 3 - Applying TGfU to Teaching Badminton, Basketball, and Netball - This chapter provides interesting and exciting lead-up activities for learners to enhance their skills related to badminton, basketball, and netball. Also listed are variations of the lead-up activities for each sport activity so the learners are challenged given a variety of activities based off of the beginning activity. Included are the assertions that like the Sports Education curriculum model students can be introduced to refereeing their own game activities in relation to modified as well as the regulation size contest.

Chapter 4 - Applying TGfU to Teaching Football - Chapter 4 is devoted to football. There are activities associated with dribbling, passing, trapping, and offense and defence. The activities progress from drills that focus on the individual learner to games and activities where there are numbers of learners on various teams.

Chapter 5 - Authentic Assessment - "This chapter demonstrates how authentic assessment can be integrated into game sessions so that it does not disturb - but rather, enhances - both game sense and the playing experience (p. 116)." There are examples of assessments related to a few activities and sports that can be put in place for any physical education class. The assessments encourage learners to understand what they are doing, how they are performing the skill, and how can they improve on what they already have. Finally, this chapter incorporates assessing teamwork and various game situations so learners can better understand a number of tactics and strategies related to many sports and activities.

Glossary - Includes a number of terms referred to throughout the book.

Bibliography - An inclusive list of books and articles related to the TGfU curriculum model as well as various books and articles related to the teaching and learning process of coaching and education.

In summary, Transforming Play: Teaching Tactics and Game Sense is a resource that would benefit any physical education teacher or someone who is coaching a sport. Written to the specific audience of physical educators and coaches (high school and Club Level), individuals coaching youth league teams who have little experience coaching would benefit greatly by this book.

The spelling variation throughout the book provides a global feel to the various sports discussed in the text. This book would be an excellent addition to any movement practitioner’s library to enhance learners understanding of tactical situations related to lead-up, modified, and regulation contests for a variety of sports.

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