Gymnastics & Muscle Fitness in the
Elementary School is very helpful for PE teachers to fully comprehend
the benefits of the educational approach to gymnastics. Allen Sander
explains the purpose of educational gymnastics in the elementary schools
as improving children’s muscular control of their bodies to enable
later success in a variety of physical activities and sports. The book
shows how PE teachers can help children better control their bodies.
Additionally, Sander provides concrete learning ideas for teaching muscle
fitness so children will understand how to improve muscle strength and
The 179 page book also integrates muscle fitness content within well-planned
gymnastics skill themes. The material is introduced in a progressive
and practical manner using the skill theme topics – space awareness,
weight transfer, rolling, balancing and muscle fitness concepts. The
skill task sequence is very comprehensive, including skill task variety,
cues, equipment, use of space, and practical teaching styles. Pictures
of many of the skill tasks are included to help organization. Furthermore
health related muscle fitness is interwoven into lessons.
The lesson ideas are aligned with NASPE standards. Chapter 1 introduces
teaching gymnastics to children, and provides an overview of the sequence
of class sessions, skill progression, efficient teaching styles, and
curricula. Chapter 2 is in-depth coverage of weight transfer, the initial
skill theme for gymnastics, covering traveling (locomotor skills), weight
transfer among body parts and some jumping and landing. Chapter 3 emphasizes
rolling, and entails many progressive tasks for varied forms of rolling
that can assist children’s success in a variety of activities.
Chapter 4 on balancing challenges kids to move in and out of balances
based on previous accomplishments with weight transfer and rolling skills.
Chapter 5 focuses on teaching muscle fitness concepts to children.
Currently there are very few K-5 gymnastics texts that integrate teaching
muscle fitness concept while instructing the skill themes of weight
transfer, rolling and balance. Therefore I would strongly recommend
the book for elementary specialist and classroom teachers who would
like to incorporate educational gymnastics into their curriculum.
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