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(Active students, Engaged in Learning, Having Fun)

Todd Keating
Naperville Schools, Naperville, Illinois

Being a PE4LIFE teacher means that you create an environment where every student is physically active, engaged in learning, and having fun. This is what differentiates the PE4Life teacher with the teacher who "rolls out the ball," and simply plays games that are void of purpose and objective. But the new breed of professional is changing the perception of Physical Education today.

It's the little things that the PE Teacher does that can really make a Difference. Here is a list of just a few "little things" that can help make your gym come alive for you and your students.

  1. Use music upbeat music when your class is moving.
    • A simple remote held in hand is a great class management tool.
    • When the music is stopped, the students freeze, ready for your next instruction.
  2. Use specific signals that help your class get organized fast!
    • "Calling all kids," the class has 10 seconds to sit down next to you.
  3. Ask yourself, "what are my students learning?"
    • Why am I teaching this?"
    • Are they skills that they can use for life?
  4. Be creative.
    • Don't settle for lessons that are ok, you can always make them better. If you're not the creative type, find someone who is and let them show you some new ways of doing things.
  5. Learn your student's names and develop relationships, we are in the people business.
    • When someone calls us by name we believe they care about us.
  6. Talk to your students and then listen to what they are saying.
    • It may change the way you are doing things.
  7. Spot the kids who are struggling, help them to succeed; they could be on your school board one-day.

Never stop learning. Go to seminars, conferences and clinics and network with the people who have a passion for teaching. That passion is contagious and it will rub off on you!