Take a Trip on the Wild Side:
A Classroom Journey through the Yoga Experience
by Victoria
your passion and make it happen" are lyrics from the song
Flashdance. As corny as it sounds, it's those lyrics that
continue to drive my PE curriculum forward. Fourteen years
ago I introduced yoga into a cross-training class. The students
embraced the activity so much they asked me to develop a class.
The following year it became a semester-long elective course
and a few years later became a year long elective course.
My students have been involved in the development and direction
of this course from the beginning, embracing the content fully.
So, let me take you on a journey. If you use your imagination
you'll see it through the eyes of my students. Hopefully,
you can begin to understand how my students truly connect
with themselves; body, mind, and spirit.
The first quarter builds the foundation. My yoga classroom
is a kaleidoscope of diversity. All are welcome and encouraged.
We begin by learning the basic skills. Yoga "boot camp" teaches
breathing basics, sun salutations (a standard yoga warm-up
recognized world-wide), how to use a heart rate monitor, equipment
care, and more. Students learn the class expectations and
how to work as a team. Each class begins with baby steps,
physically and mentally, intended to create a safe, efficient,
and fun classroom for all.
Through the physical skills of yoga the students begin their
journey of self-discovery. Students discover their strengths
and recognize their weaknesses while a non-competitive atmosphere
is encouraged. This might sound easy enough, but if a student
believes, "I'm not strong," "I've never been athletic," "I
can't…" or is too busy comparing themselves to others it becomes
hard. This is where their self- journey (or personal assignment)
begins. Others will have the physical strength but lack the
mental discipline or endurance to be conscious of their body
positioning and breathing patterns and their journey begins
here. Through reflection and goal setting the foundation is
set for a uniquely personal experiential experience. I emphasize
to my students that what your mind believes you can do and
what your body says it can do are often two different things:
The goal is to reach a level of confidence to believe you
CAN do it.
As we move into second quarter a natural shift occurs within
the students. Building on the physical foundation, students
begin to verbally express what they're experiencing. They
start to share their outside-of-class applications of the
yoga concepts they've earned. We call this "practical application."
The first couple of students courageous or curious enough
to ask a deeper level question or share an experience open
the door for discussion. First, there is a celebration for
transferring the skills to a practical situation. We discuss
how the classroom is our lab but the outside world is our
playground. We share and learn from each other's experiences.
For example, a number of students taking the fall SAT or
ACT's practiced deep breathing before and while instructions
were being given. They report feeling calmer taking the test
and feeling better about their performance. For others, the
practical application might be doing 20-30 minutes of exercise
the morning of the exam, sleeping 8 hours or more each night
the week leading up to the exam, (previously many of our students
would stay up all night to get homework done verses sleeping),
or a combination. Students listen and learn from each other
and are inspired by their classmates. We then bridge from
general yoga positioning and body alignment to identifying
the specific muscles involved in developing strength and flexibility.
Students learn to describe where and what endocrine glands
are involved, which nerve plexus are associated with those
glands, and modifications and variations all while actively
doing the poses. Practical application together with natural
curiosity triggers critical thinking questions. Students make
associations between the physical skills they are practicing
and the mental and emotional shifts happening to them. This
continues to build for the rest of the year.
During the final two weeks before exams, students are put
through a series of specifically sequenced brain stimulating
and immune system boosting activities and meditations. We
discuss how to prepare the body, mind, and spirit for the
best possible outcomes for exams. Everything from time management
to sleep patterns and nutrition are discussed. By this point,
each student is beginning to create his or her personal "stress
management backpack." Individually, students choose their
favorite "go to" skills and techniques. We practice and develop
certain skills to be used anywhere and anytime. During these
two weeks, students are given daily encouragement to share
their struggles, successes, and implement strategies for themselves.
Moving into the third quarter we exhale. We take time to
reflect on where we have been individually and as a class,
where we are now, and what direction do we want to proceed
as individuals and as a class. Students are challenged to
take the basic poses they've learned and refine them, to be
more precise and go to the next level. Yoga is like an onion;
there is always another layer even in the seemingly simplest
poses. The group assignment ends with each group leading a
full class. Using a scaffolding method, each group has by
now presented the sun salutation at least three times. By
September they know the names of the poses in order. October
adds in safety, set up in pose, and transition cues. In November
we build on cueing the anatomically correct muscles of strength
and flexibility. Then in December there's solo leading of
the sun salutation for the class and an individual assignment
exploring each student's personally chosen pose.
We are always continually refining our skills. The students
choose groups based on specific criteria and design their
own routine using the sun salutation as the foundation and
bringing in each student's personal pose to create a smoothly
flowing series. In addition, more time is allocated to Mysore
(personal practice of yoga) to work on individual goals as
well as personal discipline and determination. Individually,
students cultivate ways of intrinsically motivating themselves
leading to higher levels of empowerment and self-esteem. Once
this process is embraced, the students can catapult themselves
to success in whatever they pursue. The impact yoga is bringing
to physical education is breaking down long standing stereotypes,
and reeducating people about the power of movement not only
for the body but also the mind.
We begin the school year with foundation, move into building
and refining, then finally as the year comes to an end, celebrating,
and exploring. Experience is key. By giving the students experiences
first, we then reflect together taking the experiences and
applying concepts from anatomy, physiology, and psychology.
The students respond by taking ownership over their choices
in class and out. Because it's a self-discovery, they see
fitness comes in all shapes and sizes. Where one student might
excel, another needs encouragement.
The cueing used in yoga is very anatomical so students pick
up on the anatomy and physiology of the body through everyday
reinforcement. By the end of the class we are a family in
every sense of the word. The best part for me is seeing the
students get excited about personal health and making positive
personal choices. Through yoga we incorporate it all; the
students begin to embrace their personal journey of uniting
their body, mind, and spirit on a daily bases. True Wellness
Igniting a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle is
my goal for each student entering my classroom. Through yoga,
the students learn to develop the knowledge, self-confidence,
and compassion to take care of themselves, igniting the spark
for a healthy, happy life. Yoga is like a never-ending onion;
there is always another layer to explore. As a result every
student regardless of ability level, injury, or special needs,
finds, performs, and sustains a level they can perform. This
challenges them yet allows for success.
Students report higher levels of self-esteem and empowerment
during and after taking this course. They appreciate the level
of fitness attained and set realistic healthy lifestyle goals.
The students' yogic journey results in them taking ownership
over their practice, and starts them reflecting and growing
as the lessons of life are used in classroom. Here are a few
quotes from the students' reflective final:
"Yoga has taught me to push myself to do what my body
is capable of, even if my mind has not realized it yet."
"Having a place inside school were we can laugh together
or cry together has really helped in the process of growing
up this year."
"I have learned that at first things don't always come
easy but with hard work you can reach goals."
"Yoga has taught me that the only view that matters of
me is the one that comes from my eyes."
"Due to the various meditations, I have noticed I am able
to focus better in class, remember correct answers and ways
to find them, and be able to sit and do my homework for
longer than 10 minutes."
"In the beginning of the year I was not able to clear my
mind while practicing yoga, but now I have more control
over my thoughts and it is easier to get rid of the negative
thoughts and energy."
"Yoga has encouraged me to exercise more outside of class"
"This class has taught me the importance of laughing at
yourself and not taking yourself too seriously."
"I realize how important it is for my mental and emotional
health to have a period where I am able to actually move
and work my body every day."
"I shook off the unconfident, stressed girl and helped
her find peace."
"When I am nervous or anxious I can incorporate breathing
in to my everyday life to stay calm and focused."
"I have complete control of my body. There really is no
such thing as 'I can't.'"
"We were able to form a safe open environment, where we
were not afraid of being judged on their physical fitness
or intellectually."
"I need to make time for myself and that is okay."
Victoria Otto is the 2011 IAHPERD Secondary PE Teacher of
the Year (TOY) and the 2012 Midwest District Secondary PE
TOY. Finishing her 14th year at Highland Park High School,
she creates a classroom for students to focus on developing
conscious living skills. Blending pure science with fun, giving
the students a great workout, and inspiring individual empowerment,
each student leaves feeling uplifted and with an "I can
do it" attitude.
Victoria has a BS in Physical Education/Exercise Science
from University of Wisconsin—La Crosse, an MS in Health
Education from Pennsylvania State University and Teaching
Certification/Adventure Education from Northeastern Illinois
University. She is a certified personal trainer, group fitness
instructor and yoga instructor. Victoria is professional wanderer,
traveling to over 20 countries and having lived in India and
New Zealand. With a passport in hand and breezing through
your local airport, she can be found on remote beaches, mountain
paths and taking in the local food and culture.
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