by Dr. Clive Hickson & Brent Bradford

The time has come to celebrate one of the most inspirational core subjects in our schools - Physical Education! In regard to health and wellness, no other subject has the potential for such long-lasting effects on students’ futures. It is time to step back from our busy lives and reflect on how we help students live healthy, active lifestyles by doing our part in the perfect PE storm.

Defining the Perfect PE Storm…The perfect PE storm is when knowledgeable and skilled physical educators bring their passion of teaching physical education to students who are willing learners.

First a big THANK YOU to those of you who have done your part in creating the perfect PE storm. Educating students to live healthy, active lifestyles takes much work and dedication in the gymnasium and in the delivery of lessons.

We want to acknowledge wonderful teachers of physical education for many things, such things as being a positive role model, planning quality programs, producing developmentally appropriate lessons, using a variety of approaches to reach all students, being developers of the whole child, providing activities for all students, and implementing daily physical education experiences. This is quite the exhaustive list and you deserve credit! Let's look at each of these issues separately…

Being a Positive Role Model: We would like to acknowledge all of you who are positive role models of health and wellness in the gymnasium. It is because of you that students are able to see what physical education and leading a healthy, active lifestyle is all about. You dress the part, eat healthy snacks, and are active both in and out of school - you walk the talk! The non-verbal messages that you send to students can positively impact the student perceptions of the learning experiences you provide (Bradford & Hickson, 2010, Hickson & Bradford, 2011). Give yourselves a pat on the back next time you wear a pair of runners to teach in the gymnasium, and when you eat a healthy snack in front of students!

Planning Quality Programs: Those of you who provide quality physical education programming by spending considerable amounts of time planning, in order to design lessons that fulfill the needs of all students, deserve a round of applause! We would like to tip our hats to those of you who make consistent efforts in order to ensure there is teaching and learning happening during physical education lessons. You endeavour to create physically educated students (Hickson, 2003).

Also, a really big "WAY TO GO!" to all of you who have found ways to schedule physical education early on in the school day rather than always during the last block. Thank you for understanding that vigorous aerobic exercise improves such things as short-term memory, and that mental focus and concentration levels in young children improve significantly after engaging in structured physical activity (Caterino & Polak, 1999). It is wonderful to see physical education being scheduled at a time when students can gain the most benefit!

Producing Developmentally Appropriate Programs: Congratulations to those of you who plan developmentally appropriate physical education programs. Students benefit from your programs which provide them opportunities to work at their own individual levels. Give yourselves a pat on the back when you see them progress successfully on to more complex and difficult movement activities. You are helping to change their lives in a positive manner!

Using a Variety of Teaching Approaches to reach all Students: A great deal of praise needs to be given to those of you who find a way to reach students. You recognize that not all students learn the same way, and that teachers need to adjust their teaching to suit the learning needs of the students. Your willingness to consider a variety of teaching approaches in your lesson delivery helps to provide student success. For example, student creativity and confidence can be enhanced by your willingness to step away from the more traditional teaching approaches by using a less teacher-centered approach. Well done for recognizing this, and keep altering your teaching to meet the needs of your students!

Developing the Whole Child: A big shout goes out to those of you who, on a daily basis, work hard to develop "whole children!" Physical education helps to provide an important balance in the school curriculum. Much of a child's time in school is spent on left brain activity. However, physical education (along with art and music) involves the right hemisphere of the brain. It is imperative that we acknowledge the teachers who are developing the whole child by providing students with opportunities to use both hemispheres of the brain! So, well done and keep it going as it is vital that we help to develop creative thinkers and movers for the 21st century!

Implementing Daily Physical Education: Your students are the ones who are truly benefiting from daily physical education programs. When you see them playing soccer, hockey, football, baseball, track and field, etc. after school or during the weekends, please be assured that you had something to do with enhancing their levels of self-efficacy. By promoting daily physical education, you are allowing students to become one step closer to living healthy, active lifestyles! You have to be commended for your efforts of providing students with opportunities to improve their basic fundamental motor skills, and by providing valuable experiences that can spur a child into a life of physical activity.

Promoting Activities for All Students: We would be amiss if we did not congratulate those of you who promote extracurricular activities for all students. Providing all students with opportunities to be active outside of class time sends important messages to students when it comes to being physically active. When most of the staff is eating their lunch in the staffroom, you are in the gymnasium making sure students are engaged in some form of physical activity (e.g., yoga, floor hockey, running). We know and appreciate that this is not always easy, especially during a busy and difficult week; however, you still find a way to give what precious time you have to students! Thank you for treating the teaching profession not as a job, but a passion. Simply, you help to change lives! Now go get in there, pick up a stick or grab a mat and participate with them! You know you want to!

As you continue to be wonderful teachers of physical education, you need to know that you have done your part in creating the perfect PE storm. We believe that when you do your part students will begin to fulfill their part. That is worth celebrating! When the perfect PE storm occurs, there is teaching and learning happening! That is what it truly takes to physically educate students in today's schools. Thank you for helping to create the perfect PE storm in your schools and your children!



Bradford, B. & Hickson, C. (2010). What we wear: Does it matter? Poster session presented at: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Annual Convention; 2010 March 17 – 20; Indianapolis, IN.

Caterino, M. & Polak, E. (1999). Effects of two types of activity on the performance of second-, third-, and fourth-grade students on a test of concentration. Perceptual & Motor Skills. 89(1). 245-248.

Hickson, C. (2003). Putting education back into P.E. International Journal of Learning. Vol. 10.

Hickson C. & Bradford, B. (2011). Healthy, active messages: What are we telling our students? pelinks4u website. http://www.pelinks4u.org/articles/hick_brad_1210.htm

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