Jump-Start Learning
in the Classroom
written by Deborah
Fast, Fizika Group
Any teacher can tell you it's tough to command the attention
of students whose heads are nodding, their attention wandering
far beyond the classroom. "You need to get their hearts
pumping and their brains moving," says Stacy Scarpace,
a second grade teacher at Holland Elementary in Taylor, Michigan.
Scarpace's solution to this daily challenge is a resource
called "Fit Bits." Created by the Michigan Fitness
Foundation, and piloted at Holland Elementary by the National
Kidney Foundation of Michigan, Fit Bits are short activities
designed to get students up and moving in the classroom -
helping them to burn off excess energy, jump-start their attention
spans and get the recommended daily physical activity. Geared
for use in K-5 classrooms, Fit Bits take 7-10 minutes for
each activity. Messages teach nutrition, and reinforce personal/social
themes such as respect for others, compassion, self-control,
responsibility and cooperation.
Bits help me to refocus students," explains Scarpace.
"Particularly with classes like math, which can take
an hour, I use these short exercise breaks as a reward. All
of the students are eager to participate." Scarpace knew
it was a success when her students began asking for the activity:
"I think we need a Fit Bit," a student would say.
"We’re falling asleep here!"
Initially, however, Scarpace found she needed to assure her
students that it was ok to exercise in the classroom. "I
needed to change their thinking. The fact that it was good
for their bodies made them feel good about themselves, and
that changed their minds. Smiles came on their faces, and
they began to see activity as a reward."
Rhonda Danaj, also a second grade teacher at Holland Elementary,
emphasizes the importance of physical activity being a daily
practice. "I used Fit Bits every day in my classroom.
Also, it was important for me to be a role model; I did the
activities along with my students."
"I enjoyed Fit Bits very much," says Kylie Scarpace,
daughter of Stacy and a rising third grader at Holland Elementary.
"I liked to get my body moving!"
Bits include a healthy dose of information about healthy eating.
Nutrition activities in each grade cover food variety, fruits
& vegetables, healthy snacks and food safety. "[Over
the years] I have seen a decline in eating habits, in what
kids bring for lunches," observes Danaj, who has been
teaching for 22 years. "Fit Bits create a healthy environment
in the classroom. We need to start with the children to make
changes to unhealthy attitudes in our society."
Designed by classroom teachers for classroom
teachers, Fit Bits activities have a positive impact on the
classroom. Fit Bits foster a learning environment in which
children are able to settle down, and to listen better and
learn better. Each Fit Bits book includes 40 activities targeted
at a single grade; 20 focus on nutrition messages, and 20
focus on personal/social skills. Colorful, durable posters
reinforce personal/social skills being taught.
Fit Bits are available through Fizika
Group. To find out more about Fizika, visit our website.
more about Fit Bits. 
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