Written by: Kalin Daquila

“It has been fifteen years that I have been teaching physical education, and it is a job and role that I enjoy and cannot imagine doing anything but.”

Nominated and awarded as National High School PE Teacher of the Year in 2009, Lisa Summers has achieved many things in her career. Her interest in the field of physical education began locally at Western Washington University where she developed a strong foundation in pedagogy and physical education instruction. The education Lisa received inspired her to provide quality physical education to her future students in the Tumwater School District in Washington State. Lisa has been teaching for a total of 14 years and counting (13 of which have been in Tumwater, SD, at Black Hills High School) and has brought a lot to the table as far as physical education programs, activities, and curriculum, as well as the development of District Power Standards and Standard-based grading.

As a member of WAPHERD, AAHPERD, and NASPE, she has also attended and presented at WAHPERD, OAHPERD, NW District, Best of the West, OSPI and was awarded NASPE STARS in 2005 and 2010 for her PE program. What is STARS? STARS is a national recognition program developed and implemented by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). Through the STARS self-study and review process, NASPE identifies and honors physical education programs that model the essential elements for quality physical education and provide meaningful learning opportunities for all students. STARS schools exemplify excellence in teaching students knowledge, skills, and confidence needs for motor development to achieve movement competency, health-related fitness, and life-long physical activity.

Lisa, alongside her fellow physical educators, was recognized by the STARS program for her exceptional curriculum and the activities presented in that curriculum. Her school districts’ common mission states the following areas that are to be taught: reading, writing, and communication comprehension; core concepts of health and fitness, analytical, logical and critical thinking; the importance of work, performance, effort, and decision making, and finally the importance of taking responsibility for one’s own actions.

Lisa has demonstrated these goals set by her school district with an immense concern from the benefits her students have taken from their experiences in the Tumwater School District.

In addition to the “in-school” programs she runs, Lisa has also created other activities outside of the classroom for children to take part in during the week - before and after school. A couple of activities she has created are AM Stretch, which is a yoga, Tai Chi, and Pilates class with emphasis on flexibility, muscular endurance, and Lifetime Fitness which is individualized fitness and training to improve the fitness components through running, interval training, aerobics, step aerobics, medicine ball workout, kettle bells, free weights, resistance bands, physio/core balls, Bosu ball, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates, fitness walking, Nordic walking, jump roping, agility ladder, plyometric training, and stretching.

Some other activities are Dance and Women’s Strength and Conditioning, Saturday PE, PE Nights (nightly tournaments), participation in the “Sound to Narrows” 12K and an annual BHHS “5 miler.” Lisa has also earned three grants for purchasing class sets of Troy-built weight sets, physio balls, Bosu balls, and pedometers for her PE students to use in the facilities, in addition to purchasing 75 exercise videos for children to check out of the school library to tie in with the programs she runs for her students and the community.

Why was Lisa chosen as 2009 National High School Teacher of the Year? “My belief is that I represent teaching and sustaining quality physical education. I know that I have helped developed important curriculum and district standards to ensure that students are meeting and exceeding standards k-12; standards that have been influenced by Washington State's Essential Learning Requirements as well as the National Standards.

I teach psychomotor skills, cognitive concepts, and affective domain. I emphasize effective teaching strategies based on the works of lead physical educators/researchers Pangrazi, Siedentop, as well as educational leaders Marzano and Stiggins. I assess for learning using research based formative and summative assessments. I teach classes that range from lifetime activities to lifetime fitness. I provide an environment for kids to be successful in; a differentiated classroom/gym. Most importantly, I know that not all kids learn at the same rate or learn the same ways, and my job is to make sure all kids are learning each day.” ~ Lisa Summers

~Lisa Summers is my physical education teacher and soccer coach because she has taught me a lot about living a healthy life, and I admire her character and enthusiasm. - Michelle Phillips Senior.

~"She's one of those teachers you'll always remember. Kids are her life, and it really shows." - Ricki Marsh, Sophomore

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