- Amy Glenn, Baldwin Elementary School, Paragould, Arkansas
- Lance G. Bryant, Arkansas State University

The Holiday season provides a perfect opportunity to incorporate some holiday themed stations. My elementary students enjoy the unique names of each station, and have responded well to hearing the Holiday music while they participate. Students are divided evenly into the five stations listed below, and spend approximately 5 minutes participating in each station. The focus of this lesson is the enhancement of motor skills (i.e. hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and movement skills).

Station 1 - Reindeer Shoes
Students participate in a basic game of horseshoes with the holiday variation containing plastic or rubber horseshoes that have cardboard hooves applied to them (packaging tape works fine) so they resemble reindeer hooves. On the top of the horseshoe stake, I recommend placing a bright red nose (simply made out of cardboard and painted red) to follow the theme of "Rudolph," enhancing the festive atmosphere!

Station 2 - Santa's Cookies
Introduce this station by telling the story of Mom baking a batch of cookies this holiday season for Santa. The students' goal is to get as many cookies (beanbags) onto the plate as possible. Each student is provided with 5 beanbags and will take turns throwing underhand the beanbags at multiple plates that have been taped to the floor until they fill it up for Santa (large colorful plastic chargers from a dollar store work nicely for the plates).

Station 3 - Down the Chimney
Similar to station #2, introduce this station by describing a chimney atop a house. Our Chimney is a long PVC-type pipe in a large bucket filled with concrete for security (any heavy weight inside the bucket will work nicely). I attach a cardboard drawing of a chimney to the front of the pipe and bucket. Each student is provided with 4 rings and will take turns attempting to throw the rings down the chimney.

Station 4 - Santa's Sack Race
Wrapped packages of various sizes are scattered around this station's space, and each student is provided a large burlap (or similar) sack and must hop, skip, or jump (or any variation or combination of motor skills) around the space to assist Santa in filling his sack with "toys" that they've discovered on the floor. Students can only pick up a set number of packages (that you determine based on space and number of packages present) before they must deliver them to Santa's "toy shop" and continue gathering packages. Santa's toyshop can be a large container (i.e. trash can) with red ribbon tied around it.

Station 5 - Sneaking around
Elementary students love to "sneak around" to discover what toys Santa may have left for them. In this station, students pretend that they are sneaking around to see what surprises Santa may have left for them. Cones with noodles on top, hula hoops taped to floor, and other equipment can be placed within this stations space. Students are instructed to find their way through the various obstacles by crawling (or other motor skill) through the obstacle course to see what Santa may have left for them. I have often left inexpensive "surprises" (i.e. holiday pencils, trinkets, or even candy) for the students to discover.

During this lesson, in an effort to create a festive mood, I pull out my Santa hat to wear and play holiday music. Each time the song changes, students know to change stations. These stations are fun and exciting for the students, and they provide an effective means of incorporating many of our frameworks and lesson goals. I hope that they will provide a fun lesson idea for your elementary students during this time of year. Happy Holidays!

additional resources (below) added by pelinks4u webmaster

Title: Santa's Workshop
Primary Subject: Health / Physical Education
Grade Level: 2-3

Objectives: Make the most toys by having the most cups remain standing at the end of the game.

Equipment: Red and green plastic cups

Description: Students are divided into two even teams. Green cups are given to one team and red to the other. Each team tries to knock over the opposing team's cups and keep their own cups standing. A cup that is left standing at the end of the game counts as one toy. The team with the most toys at the end of the game wins.


Title: Winter Stations
Primary Subject: Health / Physical Education
Grade Level: 3-5

Materials: Cones, Basketballs, Scooters, Bean Bags, Yarn Balls (or other type of small soft balls), Large plastic Candy Cane decorations (lawn decorations that cost about $1 each), bells (holiday decorations), hula hoops, empty 2 liter bottles, Christmas stockings, jump ropes, holiday music.

This activity consists of 4 stations:

Get the Candy Cane - Set up empty 2 liter bottles inside of a hula hoop. Put a cone inside the hoop, behind the bottles. In the cone, place a large candy cane lawn decoration. Set up a cone about 7-10 feet from the hula hoop. Students take turn with a partner to use the underhand throw to try and knock down the empty bottles.

What is in Your Stocking - Set up 2 cones about 5-7 feet apart. One student stands at a cone and holds a Christmas stocking. The other student is at the other cone and has a bean bag. Students use the underhand throw to toss the bean bag and the partners try to catch the bean bag in the stocking. After 5 attempts the partners switch places.

Jingle Bell Basketball - Attach little bows with bells on them (usually you can buy them in packages of 6) to the basketball net. Set up cones so that students can work with a partner. Students take turns dribbling the ball and taking a shot- you may set up cones for them to dribble around first. The bells jingle when a student makes a basket!

Candy Cane Lane - Make lanes with jump ropes (my jump ropes are red and white) and place a cone at each end of the lane. In the cone at the far end of the lane place a large candy cane lawn decoration. Students use scooters to travel down the lane, pick up the candy cane and bring it to the beginning. the next person can put the candy cane back.


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