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December 2004 Vol.6 No.11   Conference/Workshop Calendar

The use of technology has become prevalent in our society, and in this month’s section we include articles and resources to help implement the use of technology into the physical education curriculum.

We talk about two articles from the Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, and also include some lesson plan ideas using a pedometer.

Using technology can help you become more efficient, as well as motivate your students to think further about their own physical fitness.

Dawn Sakaguchi
Technology Section Editor

 Using Instructional Software ...

... to Meet National Physical Education Standards
Author: Bonnie Mohnsen
Source: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance; Mar 2001; 72, 3

Technology has increasing become a great part of our lives, from sending email to shopping on EBay, jumping onto the internet is a ritual we engage in daily.

The use of technology has even made its way into our classrooms; teachers implement computers as a teaching tool for various subjects such as math, language arts, and science. Studies have shown that the use of technology increases motivation and enjoyment level in students. Many students use computers in their homes, so it not unusual that they are excited to use these skills in the classroom.

This article begins to question what these studies mean for physical education, and then proceeds to explain how to effectively implement technology into your physical education classrooms.

Mohnsen lays out 4 steps in implementing instructional software:

Identify the standards and instructional objectives of the lesson.
Determine the most appropriate teaching strategy (including instructional materials) for meeting these standards and objectives.
If it is determined that the instructional materials should include software, then one must select the specific software that can best help students meet the standards and objectives.
Determine how best to incorporate instructional software into the lesson.

Mohnsen then goes into more detail about each step and how to achieve them. However it seems that with a little creative thinking, and doing some research on computer software, implementing technology into your classrooms is very attainable.

Mohnsen does give a number of suggestions on different software, such as:

A.D.A.M. The Inside Story Complete
The Learning Company’s Body Work 6.0
Bonnie’s Fitware: SimAthlete1.1.

As technology has faded as fad, and become a prominent fixture in the lives of our children and ourselves, it is almost imperative that the use of software be implemented into the curriculum in order to provide education that is pertinent to the life that students currently live.

 Including Technology...

... in Instructional Programs
Authors: Shawn Ladda, Tedd Keating, Deborah Adams and Lisa Toscano
Source: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Apr 2004; 75, 4

In this article the authors describe a number of ways that technology has been applied to various education settings, including research in classrooms.

In research, the authors states that students are able to "perform EKGs, EMGs, digital blood-pressure analysis, tests of pulmonary function, and the measurement of reflex and reaction time."

Digital cameras and PEAK can also enhanced the physical education curriculum. The use of Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool that has enabled teachers to organize the content of their lectures and include audiovisual clips and pictures. Through this ability, using PowerPoint can help draw a strong link between the content in your lecture and to the application of real life situations.

Technology has been used in the grading, and assessment, part of physical education through electronic grading books and the use of personal digital assistants (PDA). These authors encourage a test and measurement course that will introduce the uses of similar software packages.

Technology is so versatile it offers many applications that fit the needs of students and teachers; it will enhance the classroom environment by effectively helping in areas of assessment, teaching and research. The best place to start is to learn more about these technologies.
Speed Stacks

The authors provide this list of resources:

Learner Profile - Assessment Tools for Educators
PEAK - Complete motion measurement solutions
PE Central
Bonnie's Fitware
Human Kinetics
  Pedometer Lesson Plans
  Nature Scavenger Hunt with Pedometers
  Jog & Jump Partner Activity
  Pedometer Partner Fitness Fun
  For more Pedometer Lesson Activities...
 Contribute Your Ideas
If you have ideas, comments, letters to share, or questions about particular topics, please email one of the following Technology Section Editors:
 Programs that Implement Technology

The National Theatre for Children’s “The Prince of the Pyramid” is a fun and interactive CD-ROM program that can be used in classrooms to teach students about eating good foods, and the importance of drinking milk and exercising.

The program presents these themes through a play where a pyramid mysteriously appears in the middle of a town, and when the good food starts to disappear an archaeologist is called upon to solve the mystery.

The play requires a lot of audience participation, where students will learn about eating well and staying healthy. The Prince of the Pyramid has been shown in over 500 schools.

The program also includes workbooks, classroom posters, playworks on-line, classroom follow-up, and a teacher evaluation summary. More information.

For kids in grades 5-6, Healthy Hearts is an internet based learning module that teaches children about cardiovascular health. The modules are divided into 4 topics and do not require extensive computer experience.

Healthy Hearts also combines content standards of Physical Education and is simple for teachers to incorporate student assessment. With a computer in almost every household, students will find this way of learning fun and motivating.

Nutrition and Kids Adventures CD-ROM is an interactive program that teaches elementary children about the importance and benefits of eating healthy. The site promotes good eating habits through the exploration of different adventures that the children get to go on.

In order to spread the word about nutrition, while giving back to the school or organization, the creators of the CD-ROM also have a fundraising program.

Phi Epsilon Kappa

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 Feature Links

Physical Education Journals & Books
This site has an impressive list of journals and books for integrating technology into physical education.

Technology in Physical Education and Health Education - Self-Test
Check out this quiz! See how much you know about how technology contributes to physical fitness. Correct, and incorrect, answers provided upon submission.

"healthfinder® kids is a place where kids can find information on protecting their bodies and minds. It offers more than 75 games and activities, information on safe web navigation, and a link to art contents.

The website also has a section for parents and other caregivers of children with links to products and information that promote children's health. (Department of Health and Human Services)"
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