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December 2004 Vol.6 No.11   Conference/Workshop Calendar

Happy Holidays! Cindy Kurasch is our Interdisciplinary section editor for December. For December Cindy focuses on holiday festivities. She has included a number of holiday activities that will tickle students’ funny bones and lead to laughter.

Cindy also focuses on the season’s most important meaning to convey to students - giving. With the hustle and bustle that Christmas brings, it is so easy for us to forget to share the importance of giving.

In this month’s Jean Blaydes section, we are featuring a nutrition game called the "Eat Right Rap." Please see her section below.

 "Thinking On Your Feet"

by Jean Blaydes

This section within the Interdisciplinary page is updated each month with a new idea from Jean Blayde's book "Thinking on Your Feet."

For December, we are featuring a nutrition activity called Eat Right Rap. During the holiday season it is so easy to indulge in unhealthy, delectable desserts and foods. This activity will help students consciously remember the importance of nutrition.

Find out more information about Jean Blaydes and Action Based Learning.
Speed Stacks
 The Meaning of the Season

This season is typically one in which we see our students struggle with the concept of giving and receiving. They are bombarded with messages daily about the toys and gifts that they should expect with little or no encouragement to be a good giver.

The classroom in which we teach (the gym!) offers us many opportunities to address this issue, and to teach the benefits of giving over receiving; caring for others rather than just ourselves; and experiencing the warmth of a true classroom community.

Take on the challenge this season of helping your students to grow not only as movers, but also as people by having them participate in the activities on this page, as well as any or all of the following:

Caroling as a class through the halls on the way back from PE.

Inviting parents (or other classrooms) into the gym for a game such as "Santa's Sleigh."

Creating a moving Holiday card by having your students work together as a class to create a large holiday shape or word. Invite others to view and guess, or take pictures and place them in the hallway along with an opportunity to guess what they are!

Phi Epsilon Kappa

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 Joy of the Season Games

Throwing the Smile

In this game, players are forbidden to smile, but trust us - giggling and laughing will abound. How to play:

Step 1: Players sit in a circle, making sure they can see everyone else. One player who is "It" starts the game by smiling widely, while all the other players are somber. He then uses his hand to wipe the smile off his face, and throws it to another player who has to catch the smile with his hand and put it on.

Step 2: This new "It" can then wipe off the smile to throw to someone else, though he will probably choose to mug wildly at everyone for a few minutes before relinquishing his happy role. Meanwhile, all other players must sit stone-faced. One smirk and they're out.


Just the name of this game cracks kids up. Playing it only intensifies their joy. How to play:

Step 1: Have one player lie down on his back. The next player lies down with his head resting on the first player's belly, and the next player lies down with her head on the second player's belly. Arrange all the players until everyone is zigzagged around the lawn or floor, each with his or her head on someone else's belly (if possible, make the line into a loop so that the last player can put her head on the first player's belly).

Step 2: Then, the first player shouts, loud and clear, "Ha!" The second player responds with a vigorous, "Ha, ha!" then the third player chimes in, "Ha, ha, ha!" Continue until all players have shouted out their "Ha's" or (more likely) have dissolved into uncontrollable laughter, with heads bouncing on the bellies of giggling friends, uncles, cousins or grandmothers.


Straight Face

For this contest, you'll need one daring comic and several glum-faced challengers. How to play:

Step 1: The comic's mission is to tell jokes, make funny faces, or employ any other reasonable tactic (short of tickling) to bring on a laugh.

Step 2: The first one in the crowd to crack a smile becomes the next clown.

 Winter Fun in PE!

Here are a few great Holiday ideas from PE Central. Enjoy!

Jingle Shapes! - "This activity has 3 purposes: It's a warm-up to increase heart rate, a review of locomotor skills, and increases body and spatial awareness."

Decorating the Christmas Trees
(or Decorating the Gym for Winter) - This activity works on components of physical fitness, and also builds self-esteem for doing a great job.

Snowman Tag - "Students have fun using a various locomotor skills, while dodging and fleeing "taggers." Cooperation and teamwork play an important role in this tag game."

Santa's Sleigh - Students work together to accomplish a goal. Teamwork.

 Giving Games

Holiday Scramble

Equipment: lots of tennis or pinky balls, a few with holiday pictures drawn on them.

Divide the class into 2-4 equal teams, and have each team begin with their backs against one wall of the gym, with a series of hula hoops against the wall as well.

Throw balls all around the playing area. On the teacher's signal, players from both teams run to try to find the Holiday tree balls. As soon as someone finds a ball, they sneakily try to place it into one of the hoops of one of the other teams. The team with the fewest balls in their hoops at the end of the game wins!

Teams can not take a ball out of their hoop once it has been placed inside, and players can not stand near, or guard their hoops during play. During the game, balls may be picked up, but not thrown.

Giving March

Discuss the importance of giving. Talk about the ways that givers and receivers feel. Demonstrate what good giving looks like.

Give half of the students a rhythm instrument, and turn on some music with a good marching beat. While the music is playing students march to the beat. When the music stops, all students without an instrument sit down immediately. The students with instruments rush to give their instruments to someone without one. Repeat.

 Holidays Celebrated Around the World

Speaking more about the meaning of the season, and you look at the faces that sit in some of your classrooms, you will realize that the holidays carry different names, meanings, and traditions.

In the spirit of this season, you may want to conduct a lesson where students are able to learn more about December celebrations such as Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa.

Check out these lesson ideas - December Celebrations

To incorporate movement into these ideas, you could first describe different components of each tradition (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas) and then write or draw components (candles, different foods, Christmas ornaments, etc) onto large note cards, or use props.

Designate areas of the room as Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas. Mix the note cards up (or props) and pass them out to students. According to the cards they receive, students match cards to the coordinating tradition and move to that area of the room. Students will then talk about the tradition within their group, and share or reenact the tradition for their fellow classmates.

You could also use your own creative juices and develop your own activity to integrate these traditions into physical education. In the United States we are so bombarded with commercials and advertising of Christmas, that it is easy to forget there are other kinds of celebrations that deserve to be acknowledged.

 Contribute Your Ideas
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