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December 2004 Vol.6 No.11   Conference/Workshop Calendar

Welcome to another issue of the Elementary Page! With the weeks rolling on so fast, winter break will shortly be upon us, followed by the dawn of the New Year! It surely is an exciting time during the school year and the "winter" fever spreads with much glee among our young pupils.

This issue aims to share some teaching ideas on how we can captivate the Winter Spirit, and integrate it into our elementary program goals.

The advent of 2005 will bring about attempts to develop resolutions and goals individuals would like to reach and achieve during the new year. What resolution could be more beneficial to our students than the resolution to become, and stay, healthy and active? We share some websites that students can utilise to reach this end.

Happy Holidays to everyone from the PELinks4u Elementary Crew !

Marina Bonello
Elementary Section Editor

 Useful Resources

Positive Physical Education
This PowerPoint presentation is a very useful resource to help promote an awareness for quality physical education.

by George Graham, President
National Association for Sport and Physical Education

WinterKids Outdoor Learning Curriculum
Scroll down page to view this product
A product that promotes physical fitness and healthy lifestyles, while improving academic success in classrooms across America.

 Contribute Your Ideas
If you have ideas, comments, letters to share, or questions about particular topics, please email one of the following Elementary PE Section Editors:

 Winter Holidays Lesson Plans

PECentral is a host for several lessons organized around themes. Check out the following lessons ideas for use in your program.

Jingle Shapes - Pre K- 2

Winter Holiday Stations - grades 3 - 5

Snowman's Playground - grades K-4

Decorating the Christmas Trees - grades K-5
 Featured Web Sites

The following web sites are rich sources for promoting health and physical activity.

The Physical Activity Unit by the Public Health Agency of Canada

Towards Healthy, Active living through School health - a position paper by Child and Family (Canada)

Healthy Living - several resources by Health Canada

Coolfood Planet is a European initiative that aims to promote healthy eating habits.

Phi Epsilon Kappa
 Out Door Winter Fun!
Three Snow Games
Flaky winter fun from FamilyFun

Lightly pack a bunch of basketball-size snowballs and then use them to build a course of hurdles to jump over in a round of follow the leader.

Team up for a slip-sliding variation of tug-of-war. Tamp down a wide, shallow trench in the snow to serve as the midline. Then, take up positions at the ends of a long, thick rope and let the tugging and towing begin. Whichever team pulls the entire opposing group over to its side of the trench wins.
Speed Stacks
Once you've built a plump, frosty snowman to stand sentry in your front yard, make a game of topping him off in style. Take turns trying to land a hat on his head by throwing it Frisbee style from 10 or so feet away.
 Fun Project

Keeping Santa Fit
- a creative card and "assessment" idea

A fun and creative project I used to carry out with my pupils was the "Keep Santa Fit" campaign.

Pupils were invited to create a card for Santa. The invitation was to use text and/or pictures to share with Santa to teach him some movement/fitness skills to help him get in shape in time for the big night of Christmas Eve.

The children were invited to select a physical education activity, task, or concept that was meaningful to them personally. They were also asked to include some " teaching tips" for Santa to learn. The character adopted can obviously be adapted to, for example, Mr. Snowman or some other Winter related character that is popular in your area.

Printshop Deluxe was used to create a Banner which was affixed to the wall in the hallway just outside the PE area. Green and red poster board was used to create a colored background. Pupils were invited to bring in their card with the "recipe for fitness" and affix it to the bulletin board.

This activity has always been very popular with children, teachers, parents and administrators because it was also a means to foster cross curricular links. From a Physical Education perspective it has alway been interesting for me to review the children's creations and how the critical cues worked upon during the lessons would also find their way into this little project.
Furthermore it was also an opportunity to develop some insight into what activities pupils found meaningful.
An alternative method for developing this activity is through the use of a task sheet.

You can also view more student samples through the links below.

Fitness Santa #1 (K-5)

Fitness Santa #2 (K-5)

Fitness Santa #3 (K-5)

Fitness Santa #4 (K-5)

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