Looking for different
ideas for your lessons and teaching? Physical educators have a wonderful
opportunity to link their activities in the gymnasium, on the field,
or the playground with knowledge of creating a healthy heart.
When teaching heart health with elementary aged students, it is
important to emphasize the essential role that physical activity
and nutritional habits play. Both activity and healthy eating are
necessary to achieve cardiovascular health.
Below are links to PE Central lesson plans, lesson plans that offer
a number of ideas for heart activities.
Hearts, Broken Hearts, Healthy Hearts, Half Hearted - Purpose
of Activity: 1) Integrate locomotor
movements with nutrition information. 2)
Solving simple math functions related to the calories-per-gram contents
of each nutrient. 3) Performing fitness
activities to match the number of calories contained in each nutrient.
It Up! - Purpose of Activity: 1)
The student will describe the process by which blood is circulated
throughout the body. 2) The student
will explain the effects of exercise on the heart. 3)
The student will, using class results, develop a histogram of pulse
As February is also known as "Heart
Month" with Valentine's Day, here are some links to some more
PE Central activities that can be incorporated in physical education
or health lessons.
Valentine - Purpose of Activity: To improve fitness and work
together while solving a valentine's day puzzle.
Volley - Check out the game to see how it's played. A description
is provided.
Heart Station - Purpose of Activity: To provide a fun warm-up
to incorporate cooperation, Valentines Day, and fitness.
for the Heart - Purpose of Activity: A fun warm up activity
to create a positive atmosphere on Valentine's Day.
Tag - Purpose of Activity: To have students engaged in a fun
warm up fitness tag game that incorporates a valentine's theme.
Rescue - Purpose of Activity: To give students the opportunity
to practice their chasing, fleeing, and dodging skills in a fun
holiday game situation.