2004: No Child Left ON THEIR Behind

On behalf of the more than 30 volunteers who contribute to producing PELINKS4U I would like to wish you health and happiness for 2004. And on your behalf, I'd also like to publicly express a sincere thank-you to the companies and organizations whose logos appear on PELINKS4U for supporting this unique online informational resource.
In this month's NEWS column you'll once again find many references
to the health challenges facing school-aged children. More and more
organizations are recognizing the health catastrophe awaiting today's
young people if our society fails to develop effective strategies
for combating physical inactivity.
What role physical education should play in contributing to this challenge remains debatable. We know that children need daily physical activity. The question our profession must attempt to resolve is how to make this a reality.
Last January, President Bush signed into law the "No Child Left Behind" act. Intended to stimulate educational reform and promote academic achievement, this act unfortunately neglected to address the debilitating physical condition of our nation's youth. Sadly, it also failed to acknowledge the obvious connection between health, staying physically active, and performing well in school.
To support the too-often unheralded daily efforts of public school
physical educators, PELINKS4U dedicates 2004 as the NO CHILD LEFT
ON THEIR BEHIND year! Let's all do our part to help policy makers,
school boards, school administrators, teachers, parents, and students,
understand that regular physical activity is essential both for
good health and for learning.
Very Best New Year Wishes,
Steve Jefferies
Central Washington University
Publisher PELINKS4U
PS. PELINKS4U will be distributing these colorful 3" buttons
with the NCLOTB logo at the 2004 national convention. Drop by our
booth. If you're interested, we'd also be happy to send you some
earlier. Please visit the PE
Store for ordering details.
