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What Does Quality Physical Education Have to Do with Military Readiness?

As a longtime physical educator, I know and value the importance of quality physical education to our children’s well-being. I am also a military veteran raised by two veteran parents and have two siblings who also served in the military. Needless to say, like physical… Read More
Falling in Love with the Outdoors…Again
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Depending on your geographical location, the fall season can be the prelude to the arrival of more harsh weather to come or just a cooler spell following a long hot summer. This month, we want to share with you some fall activity ideas regardless of… Read More
Preventing ACL Injuries: A Practical Program for Educators

With the rise in obesity and sedentary rates, and subsequent chronic conditions, it seems imperative, now, perhaps more than ever before, that we encourage children and adolescents to be physically active. But, what if a lack of interest stems from fear of injury? While ACL… Read More
Physical Education Trailblazers – A Contemporary Look

By definition a trailblazer is simply a “leader or pioneer in a particular field.” If you’ve studied the history of physical education you’ll be familiar with many of our original trailblazers. These professionals, who broke away from the European influences and created the American system… Read More
Leading as a Scholar with a Physical Limitation: Just Talk to Me

(Article 5 of 5) People with physical disabilities hold limited positions as scholars, teachers, or leaders in physical education, recreation, and sport. Perhaps the reason is that the field is flooded with able-bodied people who think they know best. But do they? Michael Oliver, imminent… Read More
Texas Law Requires Interscholastic Sports for Students with Disabilities

Introduction The authors hope this Bill could be introduced in your state to help students with disabilities gain equal access to and equality for sports equivalent to what is offered to nondisabled students. The article will present Texas Senate Bill 776, highlighting notable sections, language… Read More
Readers are Leaders

I am not sure where I first heard the phrase “readers are leaders” but it is something that has stuck with me throughout my entire life. I am now in my second year of retirement from teaching and coaching after 37 years of doing both.… Read More
Active Schools National Summit (Early Bird Discount)

Please join us from July 19-21, 2023, at the University of Northern Colorado for the Active Schools National Summit. There will be 9 breakout sessions and 3 general sessions that provide the latest research, best practices, and strategies for promoting physical activity in schools. Attendees… Read More
Register Today for the 2023 WSKW Conference

The Fall 2023 Annual Conference for the Western Society for Kinesiology & Wellness (WSKW) will be on Thursday, October 5th – Friday, October 6th in Oakland, CA. If you haven’t registered yet, don’t delay — register TODAY! Conference Registration: Faculty: $150 Students: $50 Select HERE… Read More
Teaching Braille in PE

Each school year, I teach a unit called “Abilities Awareness.” Making students aware of each other’s different abilities helps us become better citizens and leads to a more positive and inclusive school climate. This awareness leads to empathy and a deeper understanding of our peers’… Read More
I Raised My Hand: Slaymaker Reflects on a 64-Year Career Teaching Basketball

The Peabody Gazette-Herald bobbed high above the boy’s head as he shouted, “The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor! The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!” Five-year-old Ron Slaymaker watched the paper boy, uncertain about all the commotion on December 7, 1941. “I remember that day,” recalled Slaymaker. “For… Read More
Navigating Dual Credit: Tips and Tools for Success

Education continues to evolve offering students an assortment of opportunities to earn college credit while still attending high school. In the state of Idaho, the Fast Forward Program provides students attending public schools access to $4,125.00 to help pay for dual/concurrent enrollment credits, Advanced Placement… Read More
Help Revise the National PE Standards

School districts across the country rely on SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education in order to develop their own standards, frameworks and curricula. As part of the ongoing standards revision process, SHAPE America’s National Physical Education Standards Task Force has… Read More
The Revision of the National Health Education and Physical Education Standards: An Administrative Perspective

As we begin a new year, the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) continues to engage two national task forces to revise the national standards in health and physical education and I consider this work to be critical to the future of our… Read More
Editorial Board Announced for 2023

PHE America has announced its editorial board members for 2023. The Editorial Board is comprised of professionals in higher education interested in serving as reviewers to offer writers constructive feedback in preparing their articles for publication. Editorial Board members serve both PHE America and Sport… Read More
Present at the Active Schools National Summit

The call for proposals is now open for the Active Schools National Summit. We are looking for sessions that highlight all forms of physical activity that reinforce an active school culture. The location is the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO. The deadline for… Read More
The Educator Within: A Personal Reflection

I share my thoughts about my life journey and inspire students to trust and be all they can be from within. The following reflection is based on my interpretation of The God in You, by Robert Collier © 1937. This is one of many books… Read More
A Perceived Philosophical Conflict

I am the only female in my high school PE department. It’s been this way for 20 years. The one time another female came in she tried to out-alpha the football coach and got removed from teaching PE and placed in Health. I think she… Read More
The Effects of the Pandemic on Physical Education School-Aged Children

The global pandemic has wreaked havoc on academics, classrooms, and physical education. There is no doubt physical education and the physical development of children during their developmental years were greatly affected by the pandemic. Physical education is a field in which physical distancing, wearing masks,… Read More
Motivating Children in Middle School Physical Education

Getting and keeping school kids motivated in physical education is not the easiest task. Particularly for novice physical education teachers, that might seem to be “mission impossible.” Kids come to school carrying different cultures, different backgrounds, and different beliefs. Some kids are athletic, whereas others… Read More
Advanced Rock-Climbing Moves to Try

(2 Minute Read) If you are a climbing wall instructor or physical educator with climbing as part of your program, you know firsthand that some people are natural climbers. They instinctively put their bodies in the optimal positions to get across or up the climbing… Read More
Adapted Physical Education: Physical Education for Everyone

(2 Minute Read) Adapted physical education is not intended solely for students with disabilities. Adapted physical education is physical education that has been adapted specifically for an individual. To teach adapted physical education is to differentiate your instruction. In other content area classes, teachers are… Read More
The Future of Physical Activity Leadership in Schools

It is the year 2022… and by now, most people know the extensive benefits of physical activity for individuals of all ages (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). Schools, in particular, seem to be aware that they need to take a more holistic… Read More
Sport Coach America Releases a Resource to Assist Coaches through Life Transitions

Sport Coach America is excited to announce the release of a new resource for coaches, coach developers, and sport researchers. Coaching Through Life Changes is a series of reflection questions designed to assist sport coaches when faced with a professional or personal life transition, such… Read More
Universal Design for Learning in Physical Education

UDL is a way of thinking and acting that may change the way you approach student learning. Rather than thinking a student needs to change, UDL looks at the learning environment. Consider what within the environment is a barrier to learning. Is it that space itself?… Read More
Language Matters in the Gymnasium

Toasting the new year offers physical education teachers the chance to rethink, reframe, and reteach. Thinking back over the last six months, have your classes been meaningful? Are your students learning? Did students’ faces light up like lightbulbs when they suddenly “got it?” That spark… Read More
Getting “Gritty” About Teaching Grit

What exactly is grit? Is grit naturally engrained in students or is it a skill that needs to be practiced and nourished? Teachers already have so much curriculum to teach, is grit really something that should take precedence? The answer is a resounding YES! We… Read More
Advocacy in Action: Strategies to Promote Community Physical Education and Physical Literacy

(2 Minute Read) Whitehead (2013, p.29) defines physical literacy as “the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activity throughout the life course.” As a concept, physical literacy underpins the Society of Health and Physical Educators… Read More
Transformational Leadership in Physical Education

Leadership is a set of skills and practices that are available to physical education (PE) teachers. One of the leadership styles that I would like to introduce is “transformational leadership” because its leadership is highly related to fostering a positive environment, empowering students, and maximizing… Read More
Purposeful Competition

Purposeful competition has the potential to be one of the most growth-enhancing experiences for youth. The tragedy is that sports and other forms of contest have as much potential for harm as benefit, and relatively few coaches and physical educators have been prepared with the… Read More
Increasing Physical Activity in K-12 Students with Autism

It is well documented that now more than ever, getting outside for exercise and fresh air has become critical for the health and well-being of all our students (Louv, 2007; SHAPE AMERICA, 2014; Steffen & Stiehl, 2010; Taylor & Kuo, 2009). This is especially the… Read More
How Health and Physical Education Have Evolved: Teaching Children from the Inside-Out

[2 Minute Read] As I’ve visited with many administrators and teachers across the country this past year, it has been fascinating to hear the stories of the many ways our profession has changed since the beginning of the COVID 19 Pandemic. It’s been transformative to… Read More
The health. moves. minds™ Program: Transforming School Culture Through SEL in HPE

Research has informed us that schools that embrace the whole child establish a foundation for academic success, improved school attendance, and a decline in disruptive behaviors among students. These gains are made possible with a specific focus on the unique role that quality skills-based health… Read More